How To Remove Itchy Insulation From Your Skin

Things Needed

  • Warm water

  • Body soap

  • Wash rag


Launder your clothes, wash rag and rag separately and then rinse out the washing machine with a wet rag when finished.

When working with itchy fiberglass insulation, wear long loose-fitting clothes, gloves, a mask that covers the nose and mouth and goggles or safety glasses. If you did not protect your skin, or if even after taking appropriate precautions you got some insulation on your skin, don't fret. You may get a rash and it may itch for a while, but it's easy to remove. According to Illinois Department of Health, no long-term side effects should occur from simply touching fiberglass insulation.

Step 1

Take off your clothes if much of your skin was exposed to the insulation. Get in the shower. Set the clothes aside. Don't mix them in with your other clothes that need laundering.

Step 2

Wash your skin with warm, soapy water, using a wash rag. Do this in the shower, if necessary, but you can wash under the running water of a sink or tub as well.

Step 3

Rinse the skin well with warm water so all the fibers are washed down the drain.
