How To Support A Mattress Without A Box Spring

You've likely heard that the bedroom is usually where the magic happens, and there's certainly truth in that statement, but probably not for the reason you think. The secret to any kind of bedroom magic lies in finding the right support for your mattress so it can repay you in kind. A strong foundation for your mattress works much like a strong foundation in your relationships: it keeps it healthy and helps it last for years to come. Contrary to popular belief, though, it is quite possible to properly support a mattress without the help of a box spring.

Platform Beds

Platform Beds

Adequately supporting your mattress could be as simple as choosing the right bed frame. A platform bed eliminates the need for a box spring because it features built-in support in its design. Some platform beds use a solid panel foundation that sometimes includes slits to facilitate air flow. Most platform beds use a slat system that provides both support and breathability.



If funds are tight but a platform bed is on your wish list, combine your handyman skills with a quality piece of plywood and design your own homemade platform bed. Aside from the cost savings, the best thing about a do-it-yourself bed is that you can customize it to the size of your mattress and embellish it according to your needs. Take a trip to your local home improvement store and purchase a sheet of plywood that's at least three-fourths of an inch thick. Have the store cut the plywood to your specifications or use a power saw to cut it yourself at home. Run an internet search for design ideas and plans that can help you create a plywood platform bed that best meets your needs.



If buying or making a platform bed isn't in the cards for you, slats may be the answer to your mattress-support woes. Wood is the most common material for slats, which consist of a series of planks that are placed close enough together to provide adequate support without compromising airflow. For maximum effectiveness, slats should be between 2 and 3 inches apart. The increased breathability of slats helps prevent mold growth and trapped allergens, which makes them an ideal choice for people who suffer from severe allergies. Since they're typically lightweight, slats are also ideal for elderly people or people who live alone and require mattress support that's easy to install.
