How To Care For Coleus As A Houseplant

If you've ever seen a coleus plant (​Coleus scutellarioides​), you've likely marveled at its highly colorful and intricately patterned leaves. Grown as an annual throughout the United States and as a perennial in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 and 11, coleus also makes a good houseplant that decorates an indoor environment with non-stop color. An easy-to-grow plant, it thrives with just basic care and a bit of extra attention to keep the plant bushy and well-shaped.

The Best Pot and Soil

The Best Pot and Soil

A coleus houseplant does well in any type of container, including one that's plastic or ceramic, provided it has at least one good drainage hole. You can keep a saucer under the pot to protect furniture or carpets. But remove it when watering, and let the pot drain completely before putting it back on the saucer.

The coleus thrives in any type of commercial potting mix. Or you can make your own soil-based mixture by combining equal parts of compost, topsoil and sand. Sterilize the topsoil first by heating it on a tray at 200 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes. For a soil-less mix, which tends to be less dense than soil-based ones and drains especially well, combine two parts peat moss, one part perlite or coarse sand, and one part vermiculite.

Water and Fertilizer

Water and Fertilizer

When growing a coleus indoors, keep the soil evenly moist, watering the plant whenever the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. If the plant's soil becomes completely dry for any period of time, leaves may wilt. If it stays dry, the coleus leaves may fall from the plant. It's also a good idea to place the coleus pot on a water-filled tray that contains pebbles to raise humidity in its vicinity. Make sure that the water level stays just below the top of the pebbles to avoid water-logged soil.

To keep the plant growing well, fertilize it every two weeks during spring and summer with a water-soluble houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength. That typically works out to about 1/4 teaspoon per 1 gallon of water, but check your product label for specific mixing and use directions.

Light and Temperature

Light and Temperature

A coleus that's grown indoors does best in bright, indirect light, such as in front of a lightly curtained, south- or west-facing window. It can also tolerate a bit of direct sun, but protect it from strong summer sun, particularly when sited next to a window, which can scorch and burn the delicate leaves. This plant is tolerant of normal indoor temperatures, generally 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. But it could suffer if it's in a draft during the cold winter months. Keep it well away from drafty windows and doors, and don't place it close to air conditioning vents in the summertime.

Other Coleus Care and Problems

Other Coleus Care and Problems

A coleus that's grown indoors might become leggy over time, especially if it's grown in low-light conditions. Pinching back growing tips regularly helps prevent this problem and promotes attractive, bushy growth by stimulating lots of branching. The coleus produces tall spikes of tiny, inconspicuous flowers during spring and summer. Pinch these off as they appear to help direct the plant's energy into more leaf production and to prevent setting of seed, which also drains plant energy.

A coleus houseplant is usually trouble-free, but watch for damage caused by mealybugs, whiteflies, or spider mites, which are especially prevalent in dry indoor air. If you see web-like coverings on young leaves causing them to wilt and dry, thoroughly spray the plant with insecticidal soap, observing all label directions. Repeat the treatment every two weeks or according to label recommendations, as needed.
