How To Prune Mums
During the spring to autumn growing season, branches of chrysanthemums, or mums (Chrysanthemum spp.), gradually transition into their flowering phase. Learning how to prune mums properly encourages full foliage and prevents them from becoming tall. Mums are also pruned to encourage the growth of large blossoms or sprays, each of which consists of a large blossom surrounded by smaller flowers.
Mum Growth Patterns
Mum Growth Patterns
Garden mums (Chrysanthemum x morifolium) are perennial, short-day flowering plants that are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9. In the coldest parts of their growing range, sometimes they're grown as annuals. The term "short-day flowering plants" means the shorter daylight hours of late summer trigger their blossoming. Their pruning requirements are tailored to fit that growing cycle. Mums naturally grow from 1 to 5 feet high, depending on the cultivar.
General Mum Pruning
General Mum Pruning
General pruning of mums begins with using your thumb and forefinger to remove the tips of new shoots that are 3 to 4 inches long, leaving two or three leaves on each shoot. That task needs be done roughly three times during the growing season, typically in spring, early summer, and around July 4th. Don't prune the shoots after July 15 or Aug. 1 at the latest. If you prune them after that time, you may eliminate some flower buds and delay the blooming of those that remain. Delaying blooming in climates with cold winters can take mums past the first autumn frost without yielding flowers.
Old mum stems and leaves may look untidy when the plants are dormant in winter. You can prune to remove those stems and leaves if you wish, but leaving them in place helps to protect the plants from cold and to conserve moisture. Pruning them in fall can cause crown rot from rain sliding down exposed stems.
Remove dead chrysanthemum tops in early spring. Pruning shears are handy for that chore. Before using them, sterilize their cutting blades by wiping them in a 70 percent solution of isopropyl alcohol, available at many garden supply centers and most pharmacies.
Prune Mums for Plant Shape
Prune Mums for Plant Shape
Pinching the tips of new shoots on chrysanthemum cultivars commonly found in home gardens encourages full, bushy growth in the plants. Shoots that aren't pruned develop strap-like leaves, and the plants grow tall and spindly. Flowers growing on spindly mums tend to make the plants top-heavy, often causing them to topple from the weight. Also, tall mums block sunlight from their lower parts, causing fewer leaves and dead leaves.
Prune Mums for Flower Growth
Prune Mums for Flower Growth
If you don't prune chrysanthemum shoot tips, only the end of each shoot will produce a flower bud. Pruning shoots tips encourages side shoots to grow below the top bud. Each side shoot yields clusters of flower buds.
If you want your mums to develop flower sprays, then let the flower bud clusters develop. If you want your mums to have large blossoms, then pinch off all flower buds except the top flower bud of each side shoot.
Encouraging mums to grow more flowers, extending their bloom season, requires removing their old, spent flowers, a practice called deadheading. Deadhead by using your thumb and forefinger to pinch off a stem roughly 5 inches below its spent flower. Using that technique prevents the plants from displaying a thicket of stems that resemble sticks.