Push Mower Vs. Self-Propelled

Few people look forward to mowing the lawn each week, but it does not have to feel like such a chore. Take a look at the equipment you use, for example. Your lawn mower could play a major role in how effective and arduous this task becomes. Walk-behind motorized lawn mowers come in two common styles. Most people know the push mower, which requires the user to push a motorized blade cutter with wheels across the lawn. The second version is the self-propelled motor. It works similar, but the motor does more work for the user. This small difference matters a lot when choosing between a push or self-propelled mower.



You have to do all the work when using a push mower, as the motor only spins the cutting blade. A self-propelled mower mechanically pushes the mower forward with a gearbox connected to either the front or rear wheels. You simply guide it where it needs to go, and lawn mowing results in a less back-breaking experience.



A push mower goes only as fast as you push it because the user propels the wheels. A one-speed self-propelled mower goes 3 miles per hour. A variable-speed version, which uses a throttle on the handle for control, goes up to 3 1/2 miles per hour. If you feel like you spend way too much time mowing your yard with a push mower, a self-propelled mower could significantly reduce the time spent on this chore, especially if you have a large yard.



Self-propelled mowers weigh more due to the propulsion gearbox. Although minimal, you may still notice the extra weight. A push mower is somewhat easier to maneuver because of its lower weight, but remember that you still must exert more effort to move it due to the lack of a propelling motor.



For a consumer on a budget, push mowers are much cheaper. Self-propelled mowers tend to cost up to twice as much as a push mower.



Self-propelled mowers have larger engines that can do more work than push mowers. Manufacturers sell self-propelled mowers as premium mowers that have more options and bigger engines than the standard versions.

Different Types of Propelled Mowers

Different Types of Propelled Mowers

After deciding that a self-propelled mower is right for you, you must consider one more detail: is your yard flat or hilly? The difference could determine whether you choose rear-drive or front-drive self-propelled mower. A rear-drive self-propelled mower designed for hills pulls the rear wheels instead of the front wheels. A front-drive self-propelled version pulls the front wheels and works best on flat land.
