What Are Planting Times In Texas?

Home gardening is a popular hobby and gardeners in Texas are now engaged in some form of gardening throughout the year. The wide range of plants and vegetables offer a number of possibilities depending on the season. Being aware of the right planting time is the first step toward a healthy harvest. According to the Texas Agrilife Extension, planting times in Texas are divided into four main time periods.

January to March

January to March

January to March is the first planting session in Texas. January 1 to 15 is recommended for asparagus and radishes and January 15 to 31 is recommended for asparagus, carrots, leaf lettuce, leeks, parsnips, garden peas, radishes, rutabaga, shallots and spinach.

February 1 to 15 is recommended for carrots, collards, leeks, head lettuce, leaf lettuce, parsley, parsnips, garden peas, shallots, spinach and turnips. February 15 to 28 is good for broccoli, endive, kale, leeks, parsnips, radishes, shallots, spinach, turnips, mustard, garden peas and beets.

March 1 to 15 is recommended for broccoli, beets, chard, collards, mustard, parsley and radishes and March 15 to 31 is recommended for lima beans, beets, cantaloupe, sweet corn, cucumbers, eggplant and leaf lettuce.

April to June

April to June

The second planting time in Texas is between April and June. April 1 to 15 is recommended for lima beans, snap beans, cantaloupe, sweet corn, tomato, watermelon, eggplant and pumpkin; April 15 to 30 is recommended for chard, okra, beets, lima beans, pepper plants, summer squash, sweet potatoes and snap beans.

May 1 to 15 is recommended for lima beans, chard, okra, beets, New Zealand spinach and sweet potatoes, and May 15 to 31 is recommended for lima beans, okra, pepper plants and sweet potatoes.

In the month of June, the first 15 days are recommended for planting chicory, sweet corn, cucumbers, eggplant, okra, black eyed peas and sweet potatoes. The latter half of the month is recommended for eggplant, pepper plant, sweet corn, cucumbers, summer squash and winter squash.

July to September

July to September

July to September is the third main planting time in Texas, with July 1 to 15 recommended for sweet corn, chard, pepper plants, black-eye peas, winter squash, tomatoes and watermelon, July 15 to 31 is recommended for lima beans, snap beans, cauliflower, chard, pumpkin, fennel, tomatoes and watermelon.

August 1 to 15 is the recommended planting time for lima beans, chard, carrots, Chinese cabbage, potatoes, shallots and sweet corn. August 15 to 31 is recommended for broccoli, beets, collards, endive, kale, mustard, potatoes, shallots, summer squash and head lettuce.

During the month of September, the first half is recommended for planting beets, chard, carrots, collards, endive, parsley, mustard, radishes, shallots, summer squash and turnips. September 15 to 30 is recommended for beets, carrots, chard, collards, leaf lettuce, spinach, turnips and garden peas.

October to December

October to December

The fourth planting time in Texas is between October and December. October 1 to 15 is recommended for beets, carrots, collards, garlic, head lettuce, radishes, spinach and turnips. October 15 to 31 is good for Bermuda onion seeds, parsley, garden peas, radishes, spinach, turnips and carrots.

November 1 to 15 is the recommended planting time for mustard, radishes and spinach. The Texas Agrilife Extension site recommends no planting between November 15 and 30. Asparagus is the only planting recommended for the entire month of December.
