How To Remove Scratches From Tile Floors

It's never pleasant to discover a scratch in your porcelain, ceramic or natural stone tiles. Unlike wood, tile is usually glossy, so scratches and other imperfections are more visible. Porcelain and ceramic tiles are often glazed, which can make it even more difficult to do floor tiles scratch repair because any repairs are immediately visible.

However, it's almost impossible to have a tiled room in any part of your house that won't eventually see a scratch or two. For this reason, it's always a great idea to keep several spare tiles on hand after you've installed the floor. If you need to replace a tile or a row of tiles, it's much easier to do it with the ones you have stored away than to order new tiles and run the risk that the ones you need are unavailable or have been discontinued.

If a scratch has gone deep past the glazed, colored surface of the tile, you're likely going to have to replace the entire tile. This is because deep scratches can quickly turn into cracks and fractures in the tile, loosening them and making them vulnerable to chipping and breaking. However, if the scratch is only on the surface of the tile, the odds are that you can repair it without having to replace the entire tile as long as you have the right materials.

Prepare to Remove Scratches From Ceramic Tile

Prepare to Remove Scratches From Ceramic Tile

If you plan to remove scratches from ceramic tile or porcelain tile, there are several materials you'll want to have in your arsenal and a number that you'll want to avoid. Porcelain and ceramic tile nearly always have glazed surfaces that make them extremely vulnerable to scratching and damage. It's a good idea to avoid abrasive scrub pads, steel wool and harsh cleansers with abrasive ingredients that could further scratch the surface of your tile.

One of the most critical parts of floor tiles scratch repair is cleaning the scratch. Dip a soft, clean cloth into a basin of soapy water and rub it across the surface of the scratch. Make sure that you clean the entire length of the scratch, paying particular attention to the ends of the scratch where particles of dust and dirt tend to gather.

When you've finished cleaning the scratch, wipe it completely dry with a soft, clean cloth. Once the scratch is clean and dry, cover it with a dry cloth while you gather the products you'll need to repair the scratch itself.

Floor Tiles Scratch Remover

Floor Tiles Scratch Remover

Dip another soft clean cloth into a tub of brass polish. If you don't have brass polish, you may try substituting toothpaste or using vinegar as a repair solution. Rub the solution of your choice across the surface of the scratch. Use small circular motions and make sure that you pay special attention to the top and bottom of the scratch.

Allow the scratch to dry, and then perform the sequence of events again. After this treatment, the scratch itself should be nearly invisible. Seal the scratched area off by applying a layer of car wax to the surface of the tile with another soft clean cloth. Allow the car wax to dry and adhere to the tile.

Many hardware stores now offer tile repair kits, which come with cloths and a polishing solution that have similar active ingredients to those found in brass polish or toothpaste. Depending on the degree of severity of the scratch and the extent to which you'd like to repair it, you may wish to purchase a kit like that.
