Why Do Wasps Go Dormant After The Nest Is Destroyed?

They buzz and dive, making their potentially dangerous presence known. Wasps are beneficial, as well as annoying and possibly life-threatening for those with allergies to their intense stings. If you have found a wasp nest, then you may be wondering if destroying the nest is enough. Once the nest is gone, will wasps return to a destroyed nest?

Wasp Nest Eradication

Wasp Nest Eradication

There are many online videos of homeowners and renters who have decided to evict wasps and their cone-shaped homes from trees, gutters and walls of their outdoor spaces. They usually don't end well. Knocking a wasp nest from its secure position is asking for a lot of trouble. They tend to become aggravated and can attack viciously.

Instead, use an official pest removal business. There are many wasp nest removal services that will swoop in and eradicate the flying nuisances and their base from the places you enjoy outdoors. There are some wasp nest killer chemical agents that are available for home use, but you should prepare to use it with full head-to-toe gear to protect yourself from wasps that may return to stop you from your nest-reducing endeavor. Wear long sleeves, gloves, a face mask and long pants tucked into socks if you plan to take down a hidden wasp nest either during the day or night.

Wasp Behavior and Nest Location

Wasp Behavior and Nest Location

Although wasps are busy insects, they don't actually take a long rest at night. Instead, they hover around the nest to do some housekeeping and nurse the wasps growing in the cones. The nests can be wider than a dinner plate or long and narrow, such as a glass tumbler. They are often hidden, which can make them more dangerous if stumbled upon.

Why Wasps Go Dormant

Why Wasps Go Dormant

Although they are a fearful flyer for those who don't enjoy the stinging insects, wasps will leave once they know their stay is no longer tolerated. This takes some work on your part to give them their walking papers without causing serious injury to you or them. Most wasps will die during the fall season with only the queens surviving. The queens leave the nest in fall to find an overwintering spot and go dormant once the nest is no longer viable.

There are many ways to adios unwanted wasps near the spaces where you, children or friends and family gather. If you spray the nest with soapy water at a safe distance wearing protective clothing at night, you can render the nest useless. Once a nest is useless, it is safer to remove the entire nest so that the wasps know not to return to your wasp-intolerant abode.
