How To Get Rid Of Pilly Sheets

There's nothing worse than purchasing a new pair of sheets. They become your favorite set, then a couple of weeks later your sheets start to pill. If you've experienced a set of pilly sheets, then you know they are the most cumbersome thing to deal with. But if you haven't, you can thank the heavens. Pilly sheets are when tiny pieces of the fabric cover your sheets. The result of this can be for a variety of reasons: The fabric could have rubbed together, you laundered the sheets incorrectly or the sheets are made of low-grade fabric. Removing the tiny balls can be an annoying task, and it's easier to just purchase a new pair of sheets, but you can get rid of lint balls on bed sheets if you're determined.

Get Rid Of Pilling Sheets With a Razor

Get Rid Of Pilling Sheets With a Razor

To get rid of the pilling on sheets, you are going to use a razor and shave the sheets. Do this exactly how you would shave your legs or face. Go in one direction and work in sections to get rid of the pilling. To keep the clean-up easier, end the shaving in the same line at the end of the section. When you finish shaving your entire set of sheets, you can use a lint roller. Using the lint roller, brush off the pilled section. If you don't own a lint roller, you can use tape. Use the sticky side to get rid of the pilling.

How To Prevent Pilling

How To Prevent Pilling

The key to getting rid of pilling sheets is to prevent the pilling. Pilling sheets not only look unsightly, but they're a pain to deal with as well. To avoid dealing with pilling, you should first take into account what type of sheets you are buying in the store. Most people think it's just the material of the sheets, but it's also the type of thread count you're dealing with as well. The higher the thread count on your sheets, it's less likely that your sheets will pill. Higher thread count in sheets are more expensive, but because the threads are longer and woven tightly, this minimizes friction and movement. When there's an increased amount of fiction on your sheets, this will increase the pilling on your sheets. When you wash your sheets, don't rub them together to try and get rid of spots or stains.

Be Careful When You Wash and Dry Your Sheets

Be Careful When You Wash and Dry Your Sheets

When you wash your sheets, you can get flannel pilling. If you wash your sheets in hot water, this can cause pilled sheets. When you wash your sheets, set your machine to cold water and wash your sheets on a gentle cycle. Don't wash your sheets with harsh detergents, bleach or fabric softeners. When you dry your sheets, try not to dry them for a long time because this can increase the lint on your sheets.
