How To Transplant A Mexican Fan Palm
The Mexican fan palm (Washingtonia robusta) is relatively easy to care for and is inexpensive. In addition, it is salt- and drought-tolerant, and it can survive in colder temperatures that many other types of palms. The process of transplanting a Mexican fan palm is surprisingly straightforward.
Mexican Fan Palm Basics
Mexican Fan Palm Basics
The Mexican fan palm is a tall and beautiful plant that can be grown as a perennial in USDA plant hardiness zones 9 through 11. It can grow as high as 60 to 100 feet, so it's only suitable for the outdoors; ideally, in large, open spaces rather than in gardens and smaller backyards.
Also called skydusters and Washington palms, these breathtaking trees have thin, tapered, reddish-brown trunks that fade to gray as they age. The trunks can be about 2 feet wide in diameter. The dark-green, glossy, fan-shaped leaves grow 3 to 5 feet wide, but the leaf stems can be sharp, so be careful when touching them.
In late spring, Mexican fan palms produce small flowers, which grow in clusters and extend out past the leaves. After the flowers die, thin-fleshed, black-colored, berrylike fruits appear that are about 1/2 inch in size, with a taste similar to dates.
These trees grow best when they are planted in full sun, although they tolerate partial shade. A regular watering schedule can also help them to grow faster. They like moist, well-draining soil. You can trim off the old leaves to prevent a brown covering (called a hula skirt) from forming, but some people prefer the look of a skirted Mexican palm.
Transplanting Mexican Fan Palms
Transplanting Mexican Fan Palms
If you have a young Mexican fan palm in a pot, you can try transplanting it outside when the weather is warm. Be sure to choose an area where there is enough room for the tree to spread and grow and dig a hole for the plant that measures twice the diameter and the same depth of the tree's root ball.
Place the palm in the hole (you will likely need someone to help you with this part if your plant is large) and shovel the dirt back in, tamping it down to remove air pockets. Add a small mound of dirt around the root ball's edge to hold water.
Caring for Your Palm
Caring for Your Palm
Once the Mexican fan palm is successfully planted, it will need a thorough watering. Water it deeply, making sure that the soil is thoroughly soaked. During the first four to six months, keep the soil around the root ball moist. Do not overwater because if the soil is too soggy, the palm will have a hard time taking root properly.
Once it is established, this tree only needs to be watered occasionally. You will need to fertilize it, however, so get a slow-release, granular palm fertilizer and apply it three to four months after transplanting. Look for new leaves, as these are an indication that the transplant was successful.