Clothing Safety After Fogging A Home For Insects
Controlling insect issues within a house can be handled through spraying or fogging. Insect fog use inside of a house requires extra safety measures be taken to help ensure your safety before, during and after the fogging process. From wearing safety gear to cleaning clothing after coming in contact with fogging chemicals, you will help ensure your own safety and the safety of those residing in the house by recognizing the lingering effects foggers leave behind.
Clothing Worn While Fogging
Clothing Worn While Fogging
The clothing you were wearing while setting up and activating the fogger should be immediately taken off and placed in a plastic bag. You should seal the bag to prevent the fumes from escaping from the bag. This should be done as a precautionary measure even if you do not believe any of the insecticide was transferred on to your clothing. For an extra measure of safety, take a shower after removing your clothing and change into clean clothes.
Clothing worn during insect fog use and the clothing close to where the fogging chemicals were used need to be aired out to help remove lingering odors associated with the insecticides used. If slight smells remain on clothing, hang the garments on an outdoor clothesline for a day or run clothing through a clothes dryer with dryer sheets to help remove odor.
This method is fast and affordable, especially if the fogger was used close to a closet storing a multitude of clothing that absorbed insecticide odors. Washing clothes may be required if airing them out or running them through the dryer does not remove the lingering smell.
Clothing Stored in the House
Clothing Stored in the House
Depending on the manufacturer's instructions and your health condition, you may choose to wash the clothes left in the home. To avoid having to wash everything, seal up clothing in plastic bags or storage bins before fogging to prevent the transfer of chemicals onto the clothing.
Safety During Setup
Safety During Setup
To help protect yourself during the process of setting up the insect fogger, wear protective gloves and a face mask. In the interests of safety, you should also wear a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, socks, and shoes or boots while handling a fogger, even before it has been activated. These measures will help protect you in the event the fogger leaks or has residual chemicals on the outside of the canister. If you are using a fogging machine that requires manual operation, cover as much skin as possible and keep your eyes, mouth, and nose covered during the fogging process.
Additional Safety Measures
Additional Safety Measures
You should wear protective eyewear when using an insect fogger. This will prevent eye irritation or injury that could be caused by fumes or chemicals getting in your eyes. If you will be going back into the house to check on the success of the fogging, wear goggles, a face mask, and clothing to cover as much skin as possible.
If you have sensitive skin, wear a hat or head covering to protect your scalp from chemicals that may still be present in the air. Make sure to wear protective gloves when removing the empty fogger as chemicals will be present on the outside of the container.