The Proper Placement Of A Shower Rod

Shower rods and shower curtains prevent water from splashing onto your bathroom floor. This may seem incidental, but shower curtains go a long way in protecting your floor from rot. To get the most protection from your shower curtain, hang the shower curtain rod in the right place. This is not a science, but there are a few things to consider before you install the rod.

Height of Shower Curtain Rod

Height of Shower Curtain Rod

The height of the shower curtain rod placement is one of the most important factors to consider. This height is usually determined by the length of the shower curtain. So, measure the shower curtain height first and then measure up the side of the shower wall to determine where to place your rod.

Standard shower curtains are 72 inches long by 72 inches wide. If your shower has a tub, it's recommended that the shower curtain and liner, if you're using one, hang below the lip of the tub at least 6 inches. That's to prevent unnecessary splashes of water outside the tub.

If you're installing a curved shower rod along a standard 60-inch tub, then mount the rod about 3 inches inside where you'd install a straight rod. The midpoint will extend several inches outside the tub. If you're installing the curved rod on an oval tub, mount the rod 6 to 8 inches from the center of the tub, and the rod should curve along the contours of the tub.

Showers With Shower Pans

Showers With Shower Pans

If your shower has a shower pan and no tub lip, the shower curtain runs the entire length from the floor to the top of the rod. Therefore, it is important to measure the length of the curtain with a tape measure and transfer this measurement onto the shower wall.

Add 1 inch to account for the length of the shower rings. The shower curtain hangs down about 1 inch from the center of the rod because of the rings. Add another 1/4 inch to the overall measurement so the curtain does not drag on the floor. Follow this method and the shower curtain hangs perfectly.

Showers With Sidewalls

Showers With Sidewalls

Showers with sidewalls have a small lip formed by the edge of the tub sidewall and your bathroom wall. The shower curtain rod does not mount to these walls in most cases. It mounts to the bathroom wall, about 1 inch above this sidewall.

The mounting brackets screw into place in the bathroom wall's drywall. If you drill into the tub sidewalls, which are made of fiberglass, you ruin the watertight nature of the tub walls. If your shower rod is spring loaded with plastic nubs on the end, mount it anywhere you like. It installs on tub sidewalls or bathroom walls.

Leveling Shower Curtain Rods

Leveling Shower Curtain Rods

Once you find the proper height, level the shower rod. Install the first bracket by screwing it into place. Then install the rod and place a level across the length of the rod. Hold it while you level the rod.

Once level, have an assistant mark where the rod intersects the other wall. Install your brackets using these marks for a level rod. If you find the rod sags, or is not level after mounting the brackets, take one bracket out, re-level the rod and install the bracket again.
