How To Fix A Mailbox Door

In theory, neither rain nor sleet nor snow are supposed to stop the postal carrier from delivering the mail. But once your precious letters and magazines are placed in your mailbox, it just might be rain or sleet or snow that destroys them if the mailbox suffers from a broken door that adamantly refuses to close properly.

It isn't just the weather that might damage your personal correspondence. A broken mailbox door that remains open increases the likelihood that the mail might fall out of the box, resulting in lost letters if it's a particularly gusty day. And, while no one wants to think ill of others, there's always the possibility that an open door might be too tempting for any thieves prowling in the area – or even just nosy neighbors.

Luckily, it isn't too difficult to fix the door so that the mailbox remains tightly shut and secure. However, the type of mailbox might determine the best course of action when it comes to repairs.

Heavy Metal

Heavy Metal

If the mailbox is a standard one made out of metal, then the problem might rest with the inside hasp – the small bar attached to the inside top of the door – being bent out of shape. To fix this, simply take a pair of pliers and bend the top of the hasp toward the door. This should allow the hasp to again close tightly against the mailbox. Conversely, if the mailbox is broken because the door is too hard to open, bend the top of the hasp away from the door. This should help with an easier entry.

There's also the possibility that there's a problem with the bolts or even the hinges at the bottom of the door. If it turns out that they're responsible for the flapping door, then simply tighten them until the unit is again secure. If the hinge bolts are rusted or corroded, replacing with new hardware may solve the problem.

Mailboxes Encased in Brick

Mailboxes Encased in Brick

If the mailbox is the type that's encased in brick, then the best solution is simply to replace the entire door. It can be difficult to work with the hasp or hinge that's stuck inside brick, resulting in scraped knuckles and little to show for it. There are plenty of options on the market, although among the more popular types are the ones that basically just snap into place. As there are different sizes available, you'll want to take an accurate measurement of the door size before placing that order.

Wrapped in Plastic

Wrapped in Plastic

Finally, if the mailbox is made of plastic, there are hinge latches and bolts that can be ordered and easily replaced. Just like a metal box, these can wear over time and need to be switched out. However, since plastic mailboxes are inexpensive, it might be better to just purchase a new one for what could roughly be the same cost as the individual bits and save yourself some work.
