What Kind Of Oil Do You Use In A Troy-Bilt 5550 Generator?

The Troy-Bilt 5550 generator is a portable generator that produces 5,500 running watts and 8,250 starting watts. Like all generators, the 5550 requires motor oil to operate properly. Always consult the owner's manual to determine the proper oil to use and the correct schedule for oil changes.



Troy-Bilt recommends that owners of the 5500 use different types of motor oil depending on the climatic conditions in which the generator operates. If the temperature is above 40 degrees Fahrenheit, SAE 30 oil is recommended, though at temperatures above 80 SAE 30 may not be appropriate. Between about 100 degrees and -3 degrees, 10W-30 oil is appropriate. Outside of these temperatures, a synthetic 5W-30 oil is appropriate, though in cold environments where the temperatures are consistently near or below freezing, 5W-30 oil is appropriate.



The Troy-Bilt 5550 generator is powered by a Briggs and Stratton engine. Troy-Built recommends Briggs and Stratton motor oil for use in the generator, but as long as the oil meets all the operational requirements of the generator, you can use any brand of motor oil that's available.

Synthetic vs. Non-Synthetic

Synthetic vs. Non-Synthetic

When choosing a motor oil for your Troy-Bilt generator, you may find that you can pick between synthetic and conventional oil. Though there is a price difference, the two types offer the same range of weights and viscosity. According to Edmunds.com, modern synthetic oils provide more protection than conventional oils, even though they are usually more expensive.



Some motor oils come with detergent oils or additives. Troy-Bilt recommends that oils classified as SF, SG, SH, SJ or higher are appropriate for the 5550. However, you should not use special additives.
