Tile Vs. Cultured Marble Shower Stalls
If you are building or remodeling a shower in your home, you may be considering different materials. Tile is frequently used in shower stalls, as is cultured marble. Consider the look, size and style of your shower before you make a decision on which type of material to choose. Cultured marble is easy to work with, but tile has a certain panache.
Types of Tile
Types of Tile
Multiple types of tile are suitable for use in a shower stall. Any tile suitable for floor use is also suitable for wall use in a shower, as is ceramic wall tile.
Stone tiles, porcelain tiles, ceramic tiles and glass tiles can all be used either alone or in combination with one another in a shower. This allows you to customize the look of your shower to your personal tastes and preferences.
About Cultured Marble
About Cultured Marble
Cultured marble is made up of an acrylic resin into which marble dust has been mixed. It hasn't been cut from natural stone, but it does have the aspects of real marble in many ways. Colors and sizes are more limited than with tile, but the result is a clean and uniform surface. Cultured marble and other cultured stone panels can have some shade variation and veining that make them more decorative than acrylic or fiberglass.
Care of Shower Tile
Care of Shower Tile
No matter what type of tile you choose to use in a shower surround, you will have grout lines. Grout is important to seal the water out from between and behind the tiles and should be cleaned and cared for appropriately. Grout should be sealed to help prevent staining in wet areas.
If you decide on crackled-finish ceramic tiles or stone tiles in your shower, note that they should also be sealed on a regular basis to prevent water absorption and staining.
Care of Cultured Marble
Care of Cultured Marble
Cultured marble shower stalls are made up of large panels of resin. There is no grout and no sealing or special maintenance required. Cultured marble can be cleaned with any nonabrasive cleanser and re-polished with a gel coat application if required.
Tile Cost and Appearance
Tile Cost and Appearance
Tile showers are infinitely customizable. You can choose from so many types and sizes of tile , as well as any size for your shower stall. Tile showers can be made as large as you require them to be and can be sized down to fit smaller areas with ease.
Cost varies widely, depending on the type of tile and the size of your shower stall. Expect to pay anywhere from 70 cents to $200 per square foot for tile and installation in your shower, according to Old House Online.
Cultured Marble Cost and Appearance
Cultured Marble Cost and Appearance
Cultured marble showers are much more uniform in appearance and size. Panels are sold in set sizes, and pieced together to form your shower. Colors are limited by manufacturer and and by type.
Cost of cultured marble shower panels begins around $10 a square foot and can go as high as $35 a square foot.