Why A Black & Decker Keyless Chuck Won't Close

You rely on the chuck in your Black & Decker drill to function properly to secure the drill bit. When the chuck sticks open, you cannot secure a bit in the chuck to use the drill. There are several reasons that the chuck may seize in the open position. Try to resolve the straightforward problems first before returning it for repair.



The keyless chuck on your Black & Decker may stick for a variety of reasons. The gear design inside the chuck requires that you secure the drill bit inside the chuck before it will close. If there is any debris, dirt or rust inside the chuck assembly, it may also stick. There are a few solutions that may release the chuck without a need for repair or replacement.

Reinsert the Bit

Reinsert the Bit

Start by eliminating the bit as the source of the problem. Remove it from the chuck and clean the end of the bit with a rag. The drill bit must be seated completely in position and aligned straight to prevent damaging the teeth of the internal lock. If the chuck still refuses to close, it may be stuck.

Impact Release

Impact Release

If you insert the drill bit properly and the chuck still refuses to close or doesn't close when it is empty, there may be a problem with the threads. Break the threads loose by striking the side of the chuck in the direction you are trying to turn it with the palm of your hand. If the threads are stuck, this should release it and allow it to turn freely. If the chuck does not release, you may need to remove it.

Remove the Chuck

Remove the Chuck

Remove the chuck to clean the threads and the assembly if other attempts to free the chuck fail. Insert a Phillips head screwdriver into the chuck to remove the screw that secures it to the base. This screw is a left-handed screw, so you need to turn it clockwise to remove it. Strike the side of the chuck in a counterclockwise direction with the palm of your hand once you've removed the screw. Unscrew the chuck then clean all of the threads and the mounting area with a damp cloth.
