How To Make A Platform Bed Taller
A platform bed's low profile gives it a unique look in a room, but it may come at a slight price to comfort if you find it easier to get into or out of a taller bed. Instead of replacing that low-sitting platform bed with a more traditional bed frame, raise the height using bed risers or replace the bed's legs with taller ones if they're easy to swap. If you're ready to replace the mattress as well, a thicker mattress is another way to raise the bed a little without altering the actual platform.
Using Bed Risers
Using Bed Risers
Bed risers are one of the easiest ways to raise the height of a platform bed or any type of bed frame that has legs. Risers are somewhat cup-shaped and fit individually beneath each leg of the platform bed, and if they're sized and placed properly, there's no way the bed legs slip off them.
Bed risers come in different heights, widths, and styles, so decide how much higher you'd like the bed to be if measured from the floor to the top of the mattress. Most beds range from 18 to 25 inches high, with platforms usually in the 18-inch range. Standard old-school beds with metal frames, a box spring, and a coil mattress sit about 25 inches off the floor, so that's a considerable difference if you're tall or used to the older bed style. If your bed is 18 inches high and you'd like it to be 25 inches high, that means the riser must add 7 inches. Don't just purchase any 7-inch riser, however. First, measure the width and depth of your platform bed's feet to ensure the risers you like will actually fit your bed.
To use the risers, ask for a friend's help and then lift one end of the bed as they slide one riser under one leg. If the bed is too heavy to lift this way, remove the mattress first. Repeat with the remaining bed legs until they're all securely in place. If your bed has a support post anywhere beneath it, this will be too short after adding risers or replacing legs with taller ones, so add some scrap wood atop a piece of felt to give the support something to rest on. The felt keeps the post from scratching the floor, but a scrap of carpet also works.
Replacing the Legs
Replacing the Legs
If the bed's legs attach with screws or bolts, they should be relatively easy to replace with taller legs. Measure the height of the current legs as well as the height from the floor to the top of the mattress. If the desired bed height is 5 inches higher, look for bed legs 5 inches taller than the current ones. One type that's somewhat easy to install features a bracket that mounts to the bottom of the platform bed with screws, and then each leg twist-fits into its associated bracket. Look for quality versions that are able to hold the weight of the bed frame, mattress, and people resting on the bed.
Replacing or Adding Mattress Components
Replacing or Adding Mattress Components
Perhaps it's time for a new mattress anyway; if so, consider replacing it with a thicker style, such as a pillowtop. This is a decent option if you only need an extra inch or so of height. In some cases, a mattress topper also does the trick, but keep in mind that even a thick topper compresses a bit when you rest on it, so the perceived height of the bed may be different when you sit on the bed than when no one is on the bed.
If you only need the head end of the bed elevated, a wedge that fits beneath the mattress does the trick. Numerous styles of bed wedges exist, so pick one that raises the head to the desired level and that fits beneath the mattress securely. These are good for some snorers or those with issues such as sinus congestion or even simply for reading or watching TV more easily from bed.