How To Fix Broken Wood In A Couch

A good couch doesn't let you down. If the world slowly disappears when you take a seat on a seriously sagging sofa, it's time to fix that favorite piece of furniture. The wood joints may have splintered from hard use or age. After spending some time investigating, you can fix a broken couch by applying a few tried and true techniques paired with the right tools.

Frame Function and Faults

Frame Function and Faults

To fix a sagging couch, you first have to understand how a frame comes together. Get a look at your specific couch frame online or simply turn the hulking piece of furniture over and investigate the issue yourself. The underside of the couch may have a thin layer of fabric. Feel your way along the spines of the frame until you find wobbling or broken pieces.

If you find wood slats that are beginning to break, the integrity of the couch frame has been compromised. A quick fix can be initiated, such as wrapping the wood to give it better support or gently straightening any bent metal parts. However, in order to give the couch a longer life, it should receive replacement parts and possibly additional support to maintain its solid structure.

Fixing a Sagging Couch

Fixing a Sagging Couch

You will need wood for a wooden couch frame, pliers, screwdrivers and possibly fabric glue to repair any tears. If the couch has a considerable sag in its middle, it's more than likely one wooden slat or joint that has fallen out of alignment with the rest of the sturdy frame. When a wooden part that has begun to splinter or has cracked completely in half, the entire slat will need to be replaced. Remove the slat from the frame if possible, and reattach a solid slat of the same or sturdier wood to the frame.

If the slat and frame are all one piece but the frame itself is sturdy, a piece of plywood can save the couch from being sent to the curb. Cut a piece of plywood the same area as the bottom of the frame or just slightly smaller to accommodate for the upholstered sides if necessary. Place the plywood on the frame and tuck the cushions on top. This will create a firmer landing spot for seating. If it's too firm and uncomfortable, foam sheets from big-box craft stores cut to fit the seating area can be laid on top of the plywood to create a softer landing spot.

Couch Spring Repair

Couch Spring Repair

If the sofa springs are shot, the repair process is a bit different. Misaligned or loose springs can be returned to their original position and tightened with a few tools. Remove the fabric on the underside of the couch and work your way along the springs, tightening as you go.

Leave one side of the fabric attached to the couch so that it is easier to replace with a staple gun or nails once the sofa springs have been repaired. Use pliers to bend or twist springs back into shape. Be gentle. If the spring is twisted too harshly, it can snap and need to be completely replaced.
