How To Take Care Of Mini Pine Trees

An indoor pine tree can be a beautiful seasonal addition to your houseplant collection. While they are most commonly grown as houseplants during the festive season, "true" pines in the ​Pinus genus​ such as the Italian stone pine (​Pinus pinea​, USDA plant hardiness zones 8 through 10) typically don't make good year-round houseplant specimens. Knowing how to best take care of mini pine trees, which are "miniature" only because they're young saplings and not mature specimens, can help you keep yours as healthy as possible.


Placing Your Mini Pine Tree

One of the first important decisions you'll have to make when it comes to caring for your mini pine tree is where in your home you place it. Pine trees need a good amount of light, although direct and strong sunlight can be a little harsh for them. Choosing a location near a window is a good idea, although a window ledge may be too bright. It's also worth moving your pine around to ensure that all sides of it get adequate light. This will help your tree to grow in a more even, balanced manner.


A mild temperature can also be important in helping a miniature pine tree thrive. A temperature between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit is optimal. Avoid leaving your pine in a colder or more drafty area. After the holiday season, you can transplant your pine tree outside in late spring to early summer after all danger of frost has passed.

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Your pine tree will grow over time and may need repotting every two years, if you grow it as a container plant outdoors. Make sure you always select a new pot that's slightly larger than the previous pot to allow for optimal growth.

Watering Mini Pine Trees

As with the vast majority of houseplants, adequate drainage is key to your indoor pine tree staying healthy. Make sure you choose a plant pot with drainage holes to ensure the roots are never left sitting in stagnant water, which can cause them to rot. Often, "holiday pines" have colorful foil wrappers around their pots. Remove the wrapper and place the pot – with drainage holes – on top of a saucer where the water can drain freely.


Mini pine trees require consistency when it comes to watering. Check the soil dryness with your finger. When the top 2 to 4 inches feel dry to the touch, it's time to water. You may also notice the foliage of your mini pine tree becoming limp when watering is needed.

Focus your water on the soil level and water until the excess runs out through the drainage holes at the bottom of your pot. You can then dump out this excess water.

Fertilizing Mini Pine Trees

To ensure maximum growth for your mini pine tree, you can use a fertilizer. Make sure you select an option that's suitable for foliage plants and follow the instructions on your chosen product. A single slow-release fertilizer in late spring to early summer can be a good option, as overfertilizing can cause damage to a younger plant. You should only apply fertilizer during the active warm growing season, as winter is a dormant season.


