Home Remedy For Killing Moss In Lawns

Moss is a mass of very small plants called bryophytes that can become troublesome in lawns, according to the Washington Toxics Coalition. Moss is seen to be a symptom of weak and run-down grass. The best way to deal with moss is to get rid of the factors that cause it. Moss often disappears gradually through using organic grass food because lack of fertility is a major cause of moss. It also grows where there is not enough drainage and too much shade.

Easy Home Remedies

Easy Home Remedies

Use baking soda for effective moss control by taking two gallons of lukewarm water and dissolving a small box of baking soda in it. Thoroughly spray the mixture over the moss and let it dry. The best time for this treatment is in late winter and early spring. The baking soda keeps the moss from developing further or returning after it dries up. Dish soap is also effective in killing moss and keeps it from returning. Dissolve about three oz. dish soap in a gallon of water and spray the moss. Another remedy is to dissolve three oz. iron sulphate in one gallon of water. Spray the mixture on the moss.

Improve Environmental Conditions

Improve Environmental Conditions

One solution for long-term control of moss in lawns is to remedy the environmental conditions that led it to thrive. Rake out all the existing moss. If the growth is too thick, use a lawn de-thatcher. Pay attention to drainage, and level low areas where water is likely to gather. Thin out trees over the lawn to allow more sunlight to reach the grass. In case of severe and incessant moss infestation, consider planting a shade-tolerant ground cover instead of lawn in the areas of deep shade and aerate the soil well. Check the pH of the soil because a pH of 5.5 or below will not allow the grass to fight weeds and moss. If the pH is too low, use lime to bring raise it and fertilize the lawn with a slow-release fertilizer with NPK of 3-2-1.

