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How To Use Scotts Turf Builder

Perfect lawns don't just happen; they take work. Applying Scotts Turf Builder helps you nurture strong, healthy grass with minimal effort. Scotts lawn products are popular with so many homeowners because they're easy to apply thanks largely to the convenient design of the company's fertilizer spreaders. Feeding your lawn with Turf Builder is as simple as mowing the grass, but it's a lot quieter.

When to Apply Turf Builder

When to Apply Turf Builder

Weather conditions matter when you're applying Turf Builder or any Scotts lawn products. Wait for a calm day so the product stays where you put it instead of being carried away by the wind. Don't apply the product when heavy rains are forecast since the water will wash the granules away. However, you can apply Turf Builder to a wet lawn after it has rained. The ideal temperature for spreading Turf Builder is generally between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Things Needed

How to Apply Scotts Turf Builder

1. Prepare the Spreader

Adjusting the setting on your fertilizer spreader is essential for applying the right amount of product to your lawn. Check the directions on your bag of Turf Builder to determine the right setting for your specific model of spreader. To set a Scotts Turf Builder spreader, turn the orange dial to the setting specified on the package.

2. Fill the Spreader

While wearing gloves, pour Turf Builder into your spreader. Use your hands to break up any clumps.

3. Apply Turf Builder

With the spreader's hopper closed so no product can escape, wheel it to one corner of your lawn. Open the hopper and walk the spreader up and down the lawn as if you were mowing. With each turn, align the spreader's wheels with the wheel track you made on the last pass to guarantee that you don't have any gaps in coverage. Close the hopper any time you have to move the spreader across a driveway or other nongrass area.

4. Spray the Lawn

Wet the lawn with either a garden hose or watering can. While many Scotts Turf Builder products don't absolutely require that you water the lawn after application, it's recommended for the best results.

5. Clean the Area

Pour any Turf Builder remaining in your spreader back into its original packaging. Walk the edges of your property and sweep any product that's on your driveway or walkways back onto the lawn. Brush off your shoes or rinse the bottoms to remove any stray Turf Builder before walking into your home.


Scotts lawn products are available in many different formulas that are designed to meet the specific needs of your lawn depending on where you live and the time of year. Review all the options before choosing the Turf Builder product that's right for your current needs. For example, use Scotts Turf Builder for Southern lawns if you live somewhere that's prone to drought and extreme heat, or if you've just planted new grass seed, use Turf Builder starter food that's designed for new grass. Always follow the specific package directions when applying Turf Builder.


Don't mow the lawn too soon after fertilizing or the product granules will be thrown around by the force of the mower.
