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Can I Use Sea Foam In My String Trimmer?

String trimmer engines, like all types of gas-powered engines, need routine maintenance to function their best. Sea Foam is a motor additive that's compatible with virtually every type of gas-powered engine, including lawn mowers, trucks and string trimmers. It serves to clean buildup and restore the function of all parts of the engine system.


Sea Foam motor additive products are compatible with and safe to use with string trimmers and other gas-powered lawn-care tools.

Sea Foam Applications

Sea Foam Applications

Sea Foam spray and liquid applications are safe to use with all types of common engines, including those in lawn care equipment such as string trimmers and lawn mowers. Sea Foam can also be used in cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats and many other engines. The reason it is safe for all engines is because it contains pure petroleum oils and no additional chemicals. It incorporates the same kind of chemistry as the fuels and oils your string trimmer already uses.

Why It's Beneficial

Why It's Beneficial

Sea Foam motor treatment is made to clean, improve and maintain the quality of your engine. Its main purpose is to remove varnish deposits that cause carbon buildup in your fuel system. This maintains a high level of function and efficiency. Additionally, Sea Foam cleans out and de-ices the fuel system and controls moisture levels. It also lubricates the cylinders and loosens sticky valves and rings. The product makes your string trimmer engine last longer.

How to Use Sea Foam

How to Use Sea Foam

When adding Sea Foam, always follow instructions based on the type of engine you are working with. Many string trimmers incorporate a 2-cycle engine. For 2-cycle engines, add 2 ounces of Sea Foam to your gallon gas can of oil and gas mix. This will stabilize the fuel for up to two years. Use the same ratio for controlling moisture buildup and cleaning the carburetor bowl and jets. You can also use the spray form of Sea Foam and apply it directly into the carburetor throat while the engine is running.

String Trimmer Maintenance

String Trimmer Maintenance

Maintaining your string trimmer is essential to keep it running properly and efficiently. A misfiring or backfiring engine can be caused by a buildup of carbon, which causes sticky valves. Carbon buildup can also lead to inefficient engine function. If adding Sea Foam or other fuel additive fails to remove this carbon, you can clean it out manually. Scrape away the carbon with a wire brush or putty knife until clean. Replace the oil regularly for a clean-running system. These steps will help extend the life of your string trimmer.

Proper Storage Is Crucial

Proper Storage Is Crucial

No matter what other measures you take to maintain your string trimmer and other gas-powered lawn-care tools, it won't be enough if you don't know how to properly store them between seasons. And, contrary to what many such product owners think, draining the gas from your trimmer is not the proper way to prepare it for a chilly stay in the garden shed, even though this is sometimes recommended by manufacturers.

When done yearly, draining the gas harms the carburetor by making room for oxygen and condensation, which triggers corrosion. Additionally, the plastic and rubber components of a fuel system are made to be immersed in fuel. If they're exposed to air, they can become brittle and crack.

The smartest approach is to add a stabilizer like Sea Foam to fresh fuel, then fill the tank to not more than 95 percent. Run the engine for two or three minutes to distribute the fresh mixture into the carburetor and fuel lines — then it's all set for a winter's rest.
