What To Apply On Screens To Keep Bugs Off Them
When summer arrives, so do the annoying bugs. Whether you are inside or outside, insects are a nuisance. When lights are on inside the house at night, the bugs constantly fly into the window screens trying to get to the light. Every time you open a screen door, the bugs fly inside. There are several methods for keeping bugs off the screens.
Washing the Screen
Washing the Screen
Washing accumulated debris off the screen deters some insects. When the wind blows outside, stuff gets stuck in the screens. Remove the screens from the windows. Spray the screens down with a mild, unscented soap solution. Let it sit on the screens for 10 minutes. Rinse the screens thoroughly with cool water, and let them dry. Put the screens back up on the windows. This keeps some of the bugs away.
Household Products
Household Products
Some household items work as insect repellents. Put a little bit of peppermint oil on a paper towel and rub it across the screens. Many bugs dislike the scent of the oil and stay away from it. Another household item that works in the same way is vinegar. Put it on a paper towel and rub it across the screen. The high acidity irritates the bugs, and they stay away. If you rub a fabric softener sheet across the screen, the scent keeps bugs away. All three of these methods require reapplication three times a day.
Insect Repellent or Bug Spray
Insect Repellent or Bug Spray
Spray the screens with any type of insect repellent or bug spray. Apply the repellent or bug spray to the screen once a day. If you live in an area with high humidity, spray it once in the morning and once at night. The humidity dilutes the repellent or bug spray.
Citronella Oil
Citronella Oil
Citronella oil is a bug deterrent that is easily applied to screens. Put on a pair of rubber gloves, so the oil stays off your skin. Pour a little bit of citronella on a paper towel and rub it all over the screen. If you want a stronger deterrent, place a few unlit citronella candles inside the window ledge. The scent coming off the wax combined with the oil rubbed on the screens is a strong insect deterrent. The bugs despise the scent and fly away from the windows quickly. If the idea of messing with citronella oil bothers you, buy a few citronella plants and place one on each window ledge. Remember citronella plants and citronella oil irritates some people's eyes and skin. If you are sensitive to strong scents, try one of the other methods.