Are Scotts Fertilizers Safe For Pets?

The Scotts Miracle-Gro company creates many popular fertilizer products, such as the Turf Builder line of lawn fertilizers. Pet lovers are often concerned about using fertilizers on their lawn and the effects the chemicals may have on their animals.

Scotts Statement

Scotts Statement

According to Scotts Lawn Services, if properly applied, none of their professional products—including their fertilizers—are considered hazardous materials, and there is "no record of human or pet injury resulting from a Scotts LawnService® fertilizer application."



To guarantee the safety of your pet, be sure to carefully follow the instructions listed on your Scotts fertilizer package label. Scotts' guarantee of safety for your pet is contingent on application that carefully follows the instructions on the product label.

Home Safety

Home Safety

While Scotts fertilizers are safe for use around your pets, you may want to take precautions to protect your home. For example, Scotts warns that the iron contained in Scotts Turf Builder may stain your walkways or driveway, so you may want to keep your pet from tracking through the fertilizer until it has been properly absorbed.
