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How To Use Spectracide Weed Stop Concentrate

Spectracide Weed Stop concentrate is an herbicide designed to kill broadleaf weeds in lawns. It contains the active ingredient 2,4-D along with mecoprop-p and dicamba. It also contains sulfentrazone. Because Spectracide Weed Stop targets broadleaf plants, it controls most common weeds while leaving grasses untouched.

Remember that Spectracide does contain chemicals, so take all appropriate precautions. In case of doubt, use other methods of weed removal like manual weeding.

Whole-Lawn Treatment

1. Determine Lawn Size

The amount of product to use depends on the square footage of your lawn and the method of application. Figure out the square footage by measuring the length and width with a tape measure. Multiply the length by the width of the lawn to calculate the total square feet.

2. Determine Herbicide Amount

Most of the whole-lawn Spectracide treatment ingredients are based on sections of 250 square feet. So you'll need to divide the total square footage by 250 to determine the amount of water and chemical needed. Different lawn grasses also require different amounts. In addition, different amounts are also suggested for different types of applications, like spot treatment and entire lawn treatments, pressure sprayers, and hose-end sprayers with no mixing. Be sure to read the "how much to use" section of the instructions carefully.

3. Dress to Protect Yourself

Wear protective eyewear, rubber gloves, a long-sleeve shirt, long pants, socks, and shoes while using the chemicals. Try to keep the product off of your skin. Be sure no pets or children are in the vicinity. Plan to rinse off or dispose of the gloves and wash your hands and clothing immediately when done.

4. Add Water and Spray

Add water to the sprayer, along with the appropriate amount of the chemical. Close the sprayer and shake it well to mix the solution thoroughly. If using a hose-end sprayer, put the product in the sprayer but don't add water. Set the hose-end dial to deliver the amount of concentrate per gallon needed for your lawn type and attach the hose to your sprayer.

Spray the lawn on a calm day when the temperature is below 85 degrees Fahrenheit and the forecast predicts no rain for at least six hours. Cover the lawn and weeds evenly; then keep pets and people off the lawn until the spray dries.

Remove Weeds Without Chemicals

Remove Weeds Without Chemicals

Many gardeners are aware of the serious health risks occasioned by glyphosate, the primary active chemical in Round-Up. While Spectracide Weed Stop concentrate does not contain glyphosate, it may occur to you that no toxic chemical designed to kill plants on contact is entirely safe for our environment. Anyone worrying about spraying the yard with Spectracide can easily find alternative methods for weed control.

Weeding by hand is an efficient manner of controlling weeds, especially if you act while they are small. Flame weeding works well to take out weeds in driveways and between pavers. And for DIY-ers, a mixture of vinegar, salt, and dish soap can kill weeds. While all of these will take longer than using an herbicide, it will relieve any anxiety about exposing your family and pets to chemicals.
