Homemade Natural Tick Killer For A Lawn
Ticks are bloodsucking little parasites that like to attach themselves stealthily to human and animal hosts. They are also the source of Lyme disease, a potentially debilitating disease transmitted through tick bites. Your front lawn is not the most likely place for a tick infestation, but in this day and age you can never be too sure, or too safe. Several simple, natural compounds have been proven to deter ticks and can make a repellent for your lawn.
Using Neem
Using Neem
Neem can be an effective natural tick killer. Mix one part neem oil with nine parts water in a spray bottle and spray your grass. In an article published in the journal Veterinary Parasitology in May 2002, by S. Abdel-Shafy and A. A. Zayed, researchers in Egypt tested a neem extract on tick eggs as well as immature and adult ticks. They found that the neem induced mortality on all three stages of tick growth in a dose-dependent manner, meaning the higher the neem concentration, the higher the rate of mortality — up to 100 percent in the study. Neem pesticide products can also be purchased from organic farming supply companies and many nurseries.
Using Cedar Oil
Using Cedar Oil
Cedar oil has long been used as a natural insecticide and deterrent. Make your lawn tick-free by spraying, or simply scatter cedar shavings around your yard. A study published in the Journal of Medical Entomology in May 2005 by Nicholas A. Panella and a team of researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that the essential oil present in Alaskan cedar, even at relatively low concentrations, killed ticks and other disease-carrying insects. The essential oil in cedar is responsible for its strong, aromatic scent, so any natural cedar product you use against ticks should be strong-smelling.
Using Essential Oils
Using Essential Oils
One of the most efficient ways of naturally getting rid of any ticks is making your own high-potency mixture of essential oils. In a study published in the journal Phytomedicine in January 2006, by W. Thorsella, A. Mikivera and H. Tunón, three essential oils — clove, citronella and lily of the valley — were shown to have tick-repelling properties to the same degree as DEET, a banned chemical insecticide. Find clove and citronella essential oils at most health food stores and mix your own anti-tick spray by adding 10 drops of each essential oil per half cup of water and then spraying directly on your lawn.