Sleep Mode Function In LG Air Conditioners
It would be easy to make the mistake of thinking a timer feature on an air conditioning unit is the same as sleep mode. On LG air conditioners, sleep mode is a smart feature that keeps the air conditioner running but kicks into better efficiency as the night wears onward.
Sleep Mode Feature Defined
Sleep Mode Feature Defined
The cooler you set your air conditioner, the harder it has to work to change the ambient air temperature. You can save money on air conditioning costs and lower the energy used by just turning it up a degree or two.
Timers are great if you're looking to have a programmed on/off time or if you want to set it to shut off when you know you're going out. However, if you're going to bed, waking up in a sweat isn't ideal, so setting the timer to turn off the unit an hour after bedtime isn't a great idea.
Sleep mode is designed to incrementally increase the temperature for 60 minutes after you've gone to bed. This allows you to fall into a comfortable sleep but still enjoy a reduced energy bill by raising the temperature slightly. After 30 minutes, the LG sleep mode will raise the machine's benchmark temperature by 2 degrees Fahrenheit. A half hour later, it will raise it by two more degrees.
Using Sleep Mode
Using Sleep Mode
Sleep mode eventually turns off the air conditioner, but when that happens is up to you. To set sleep mode, turn on your machine if it's not already running. Press the "sleep" button.
Use the up and down arrows to select how long you'd like the air conditioner to run. An hour is the minimum, and you can set it for up to seven hours. At the chosen hour, press "set/clear" to complete the program. If you did it properly, a sleepy-faced star icon will display on the unit's screen. Cancel sleep mode by simply pressing "sleep" until the star icon vanishes.
What’s the Best Temperature?
What's the Best Temperature?
People typically set their air conditioner to run between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. When every degree higher can increase your utility cost by 1 to 3 percent, where to set the thermostat can be a hot topic. A good temperature for sleep is 60-65 degrees Fahrenheit. These temperatures are not easily attainable with standard air conditioning equipment and will cause mechanical issues as well as higher energy bills. Using seasonal bedding can help you keep the thermostat at an energy-efficient setting.
According to air conditioning technicians, the best temperature for energy efficiency while you're at home is 78 degrees, and for when you're away, it's 85 degrees. Many will argue this point but with a properly sized air conditioner, this can maintain a good comfort while dehumidifying the space. If you are in a less humid climate, those temperatures will be optimal for efficiency and longevity of your air conditioning equipment.
Help Your Air Conditioner
Help Your Air Conditioner
It can get pricey to keep an air conditioning unit running all the time. If your area cools off at night and you can open some windows for a cross breeze, that's a great savings on utilities. In the daytime, one of the big ways to save on energy costs is to use thermal curtains or blinds to keep out the heat and keep in the cool air.
However, if you're in a hot or muggy climate, air conditioning can be a must. Don't underestimate the impact of using ceiling fans or other fans to help circulate the cool air from the air conditioner. With the help of a fan, you'll keep the air moving, creating a more consistent, comfortable temperature even after the air conditioner shuts off in sleep mode.