Common GE Microwave Problems And Solutions

In 1978, the SpaceMaker represented the first over-the-range microwave oven General Electric (GE) made. In 1984, GE microwave models appeared under the cabinet with a voice message memo system, followed by microwaves that could scan bar codes in 1997. You may be able to save time and money in service calls if you perform some GE microwave troubleshooting steps to repair some common problems. And GE microwave error codes can often help you diagnose the problem.

PF, 8888 or F Codes

PF, 8888 or F Codes

  1. Touch the "Clear" pad if you see "PF" or "8888" on the control display panel. These codes represent a GE microwave power failure. The codes will clear from the display and your microwave will now continue operating like usual.
  2. Press "Cancel" or "Clear/Off" if you see an "F" code displayed on your microwave. You may see F1 through F6, or F10, which represent function or fault codes, displayed for GE technicians.
  3. Program the cooking function, which should clear the displayed codes.
  4. Disconnect the microwave power code from the outlet for 30 seconds if you still see the "F" codes. Program the cooking function once again.

Turntable Not Turning

Turntable Not Turning

  1. Unplug your GE microwave, then check to make certain you have the turntable centered and fastened securely on the shaft. You will see a shaft sticking out of the floor of your microwave.
  2. Seat the turntable firmly on top of the ring if your GE model has a ring with wheels. Also, check underneath the wheels for bits of food, which can keep the wheels from turning.
  3. Check and make certain you pressed a cooking function instead of a timer function.
  4. Press the turntable pad "On" if your microwave model comes with a turntable on/off feature.
  5. Make certain you plug your GE microwave into a three-pronged outlet.

Strange Odors

Strange Odors

Continue using your GE microwave if you see smoke and smell electrical odors when using your microwave for the first time. The smoke usually comes from dust particles burning off from the elements, and the electrical odors come from the heating of the circuit board materials.

  1. Disconnect your microwave and clean it if you smell burned food. Make a solution of 1 cup of water and 6 tbsp. of baking soda, then wash the inside of the microwave to remove the burned food. Allow the microwave to dry before using it again.
  2. Mix 1 cup of water with 1/2 cup lemon juice into a microwave-safe container, then heat the solution for two to three minutes on high. Heating this lemon/water solution helps remove burned food, which you can clean out from the microwave interior.
  3. Leave the microwave door open for two to three hours to air out the microwave if you notice strong odors. Certain odors, like fish, can take a few days to dissipate.

Replacing a Light Bulb

Replacing a Light Bulb

  1. Unplug your GE microwave from the outlet, remove the two screws securing the top grill, and then remove the grill.
  2. Look for the light housing located near the center of the microwave oven, and remove the screw.
  3. Replace the light bulb with another bulb of the same type, then replace the light housing screw and the top grill, making certain you firmly attach the screws.
  4. Plug your microwave firmly into the wall outlet.
