How To Program A Gevalia Coffee Maker
Gevalia's yellow bag of coffee is known for its bold flavors and smooth taste. But Gevalia coffee is just part of this premier brand of brew. Gevalia also creates coffee makers that are designed to produce the perfect cup of java.
Using the brewer is fairly simple, although you will get more out of the machine if you know the proper way to set it up, brew the coffee grounds and use the ideal type of water to produce the best tasting hot cup of coffee.
Setting the Coffee Maker Clock
Setting the Coffee Maker Clock
When you first plug in the coffee maker, it will blink 12:00. This doesn't affect the function of the coffee maker, although it can be annoying. Programmable Gevalia coffee makers need the clock to be set in order to get the auto-brew to function at a specific time.
Press the hour button until the correct number appears on the display. Press the MIN button to arrive at the correct time. Gevalia notes that you should make sure the AM/PM indicator light matches the time you have entered.
To program the Gevalia coffee maker, hold down the brew button and press the hour button until it cycles to the preferred time. Note the AM/PM indicator so that you don't wake up to an empty pot or are awakened in the night by the wafting aroma of freshly-brewed coffee.
Gevalia House Blend
Gevalia House Blend
The flavor of the coffee in the yellow bag can be enhanced by using tips suggested by the Gevalia coffee maker. Gevalia recommends using only cold filtered or bottled water in the coffee maker to get the best flavor from the brewing machine. A fine grind of coffee, such as that you'll find in the yellow bag, provides a richer brew because it promotes fuller extraction from the grinds.
Keep the open coffee in the yellow bag in the refrigerator or freezer to maintain its flavor. Leftover coffee can be used for baking breads and flavoring sweets but shouldn't be reheated and consumed. Coffee is at its optimal flavor just after brewing. A clean coffee pot produces the best results so give the carafe and water reservoir a thorough cleaning bi-monthly.
Cleaning the Coffee Maker
Cleaning the Coffee Maker
Coffee beans have natural oils that can build up in the carafe and basket. The damp interior can become caked with hard water deposits as well as contain traces of yeast and mold if it is not regularly given a good cleaning.
Before cleaning the machine, unplug it. Wipe down the exterior with a damp cloth and place all removable parts in the dishwasher or wash by hand with soapy water. A quick rinse with soapy water at the sink for the carafe and basket is sufficient after each use. Leave the lid open after brewing to allow steam to escape and reduce the possibility of bacteria gaining ground inside the water reservoir.
Good Housekeeping recommends decalcifying the Gevalia coffee maker at least once a month with vinegar. Fill the reservoir with one-part water to one-part vinegar and brew with a paper filter in the empty basket. Let it sit for 30 minutes after brewing before brewing a full pot with clean water.