How To Fix An Electric Igniter In A Viking Stove That Keeps Clicking

Viking stove ranges use an electrical ignition system to light gas coming out of the burner. Turning the gas control knobs at the front of the unit to the "light" setting causes the electric ignition to create a spark. The spark ignites the gas. An ignitor that keeps clicking might not create the spark necessary for ignition. Replacing the ignitor or the ignition switch at the front of the stove may be necessary to repair the issue.

Opening Up the Stove

Opening Up the Stove

To access the ignitor, you need to lift up the hood of the stove. Before working on the stove, unplug the stove from the wall. This prevents shocks or accidentally lighting the stove while working. Lift up on the front of the stove to prop up the lid on its hinges. Slide a putty knife under each side of the stove top if the hood doesn't release.

Cleaning the Ignitor

Cleaning the Ignitor

Food cooked on the stove top may spit grease into the air that can clog the ignitor and prevent a spark from occurring when the switch sends an electrical signal to the ignitor. Scrub the ignitor with a toothbrush to remove as much grease and grime as possible. Do not use water because this may prevent the electrode from working properly.

Replacing the Ignitor

Replacing the Ignitor

The ignitor is attached to a metal brace running along the oven top. Remove the screw from the bottom of the ignitor to release it from the brace. Pull on the wire at the bottom to remove it from the connector, or release the entire wire from the switch at the front of the stove. Contact Viking for a replacement ignitor for your stove model.



The switch is located behind the gas control knobs at the front of the stove top. The switch provides the electric signal required for the ignitor to work. Pull off the knob at the front of the stove for the faulty ignitor. Pull the switch out and loosen the screw holding the ignitor wire in place. Insert the wire into the new switch and test.
