How To Use GE Profile Refrigerator Door Alarm

The refrigerator door alarm is intended to alert busy chefs that they inadvertently left the door ajar when grabbing something quickly from the interior of the appliance. The alarm should ping only under certain circumstances to protect the perishable foods inside of the refrigerator.

If the refrigerator door alarm goes off without warning, at odd times or not at all, then it could be due to warm air finding its way into the interior, a door that can't close properly or an unlevel refrigerator. Remedy these issues to stop the alarm or to find out why it isn't working as it should.

Why the Alarm Is Needed

Why the Alarm Is Needed

The door alarm on GE refrigerators with this feature will alert you after it has been left open for a minimum of three minutes. The warm air that flows into the cold interior of the appliance can spoil the food. Alarms are intended to keep the interior temperature below 44 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything higher can spoil the fresh food stored inside of the refrigerator at a rapid pace.

When the door is left open too long and the warm air is allowed to circulate, this can also create an energy issue. The warmer the air is in the refrigerator, the longer and harder the appliance will need to work to return the interior to the proper food-safe temperature.

GE Refrigerator Door Alarm

GE Refrigerator Door Alarm

The alarm on a refrigerator doesn't always go off if the door isn't completely secure. GE Appliances notes that the refrigerator door alarm won't sound if the door is slightly ajar at 1/2 inch to 3 inches.

If the GE refrigerator alarm doesn't work, then it could be that it has been turned off manually. Follow the directions in the GE refrigerator owner's manual to correctly switch off this feature.

Alarm Goes Off Unheeded

Alarm Goes Off Unheeded

Sometimes a refrigerator door alarm will ping even though the door is snug against the appliance's mainframe. When the temperature rises above the Food and Drug Administration's recommended 40 degrees Fahrenheit in the interior, the refrigerator may set off a series of beeps. If the doors are secure and the refrigerator continues to beep, then you should check the temperature of the appliance with the doors closed.

A refrigerator thermometer probe can let you know that the temperature inside of the refrigerator is at the proper temperature. Place a food-safe refrigerator thermometer inside of the refrigerator and allow at least an hour to get a true reading. Adjust the refrigerator's temperature according to the owner's manual to around 40 degrees F.

Doors Won’t Stay Closed

Doors Won't Stay Closed

Check the shelving in the refrigerator doors for items that are too tall or impede the doors from closing. Make sure all drawers are tightly closed and no oversized items are pushing against the doors when they are closed. If the doors pop open on their own, then it could be due to a refrigerator that isn't properly leveled.

CNET notes that a properly leveled fridge allows the door to close on its own and reduces the risk that it will stay open by accident. Adjusting the rollers on the bottom of the fridge can fix the issue. It's important to level the refrigerator's feet from front to back. This will ensure that the appliance's doors gently swing shut.
