Display Functions Of The Whirlpool Gold Side-By-Side Refrigerator

Whirlpool Gold refrigerators offer a large food storage capacity, a water filtration system, an adaptive defrost system, a lockable ice and water dispenser, a fast cool feature, adjustable glass shelves, humidity controlled crispers and an electronic control panel. This control panel allows users to adjust several features of the refrigerator by using and notifies users of potential problems with the unit through the Whirlpool fridge display symbols. Unlike older models, which displayed Whirlpool fridge settings 1-5 on a dial-type control, the Whirlpool Gold Side-by-Side refrigerator has a digital temperature control.

Temperature Control Display

Temperature Control Display

One of the primary features of the control panel on the Whirlpool Gold refrigerator is the temperature control. Press and hold the "Temp" button for three seconds; this places the control panel into the adjustment mode. Note that the temperatures as preset in the factory should be correct for most homes, but adjustment may be necessary in some circumstances. The temperature is correct if beverages are cold and ice cream in the freezer is firm but not frozen.

The word "Fridge" will appear on the display once the "Temp" mode is entered to indicate that the refrigerator temperature can be changed. Press "Temp" again to change the display to "Freezer." Press "Lock" to raise the set point or "Fast Cool" to lower the temperature set point.

Whirlpool recommends making temperature adjustments in 1 degree increments, noting that the refrigerator set point should be between 33 and 45 degrees F and the freezer should be minus 5 degrees F to 5 degrees F. Press "Filter" to confirm the changes. If you don't make any changes, simply press "Ice Type" to exit.

Water and Ice Display

Water and Ice Display

The display panel also allows users to view the current water filter status and control the ice and water functions. An icon on the display will change from blue water when the filter status is normal to red waves when a new filter should be ordered and an orange icon when the filter needs to be changed. When the new filter has been installed, press and hold "Filter Reset" for three seconds to reset the display. Users can also press "Ice Type" to select between cubed or crushed ice in the dispenser.

Cooling On/Off Display

Cooling On/Off Display

To turn off the cooling feature in the refrigerator and freezer, press and hold "Lock" and "Filter" simultaneously for three seconds. "Cooling Off" will appear on the control display. Press and hold the same buttons for three seconds to turn the cooling feature back on.

Fast Cool Display

Fast Cool Display

There may be times when the refrigerator warms past the point of cooling, such as when the weather is extremely warm, the refrigerator door is opened frequently, or a large batch of warm food is placed inside the refrigerator. In order to restore a colder temperature point in the refrigerator, press "Fast Cool" to temporarily set the unit to the coolest temperature. An icon will appear on the display panel and will remain on for 24 hours. If you wish to turn off the feature, press "Fast Cool" again.

Light Controls and Display Lock

Light Controls and Display Lock

Other display panel features include a "Light" button to turn the lights on, off or to a dimmer setting. Press the "Light" button once to turn the dispenser light on, twice to turn the light to a dimmer setting, and three times to turn the light off. The display panel also has a "Lock" button that locks up the display panel to prevent children or other users from accessing or using the controls. Press and hold "Lock" for three seconds to lock the control panel and repeat to release the control lock.
