What Is A Good Color Scheme For A Living Room With Burgundy Leather Sofa & Chairs?
Use Similar Colors
Use Similar Colors
A traditional design focuses on deep colors that will work in harmony with a burgundy leather sofa and chairs, according to Home and Garden Television (HGTV). Rich colors–such as the golds, ambers, browns and reds found in Oriental rugs–will match the burgundy and create a rustic look in the room.
Brighten It Up
Brighten It Up
Light colors complement dark burgundy sofas and chairs, such as pale creams, tans, greens, blues and yellows. The Apartment Therapy website states that dark sofas have a masculine feel, but light colors can brighten the room and soften the atmosphere to make it work for men and women alike. Meanwhile, pale neutrals can make the burgundy leather furniture the focal point of the room.
Bottom Line
Bottom Line
Rich, dark colors work well with burgundy leather sofas and chairs. However, designers at HGTV and Apartment Therapy recommend including pale colors to brighten the room and avoid burgundy overkill.