How To Attach A Dry Erase Board To A Refrigerator
Many refrigerators are magnetic, making it possible for dry erase boards, photographs, artwork and grocery lists to be hung by magnets. However, many stainless steel appliances are not magnetic due to their nickel content. There are other ways to mount a dry erase board or magnetic board to your fridge with alternative adhesives.
Use Suction Cups
Use Suction Cups
You can use a dry erase board with suction cups on your fridge. Clean the surface first to remove any dirt and grime and to get the best stick. Go with a lighweight dry erase board since sometimes suction cups cannot hold weight over time and the object will fall.
Another alternative is to hang a magnetic board to the fridge. Home-Tech recommends the Choopa Board. It is a powder-coated sheet of metal that can be attached to a stainless steel refrigerator and sticks by suction cups. The suction cups are very powerful and will stick to most nonporous flat surfaces. You do not need to use adhesives, nails or a drill to install it. This is a great way to use magnets to hang notes, grocery lists, photographs or artwork.
Try a Dry Erase Clingboard
Try a Dry Erase Clingboard
The Gadgeteer suggests a reusable, clear dry erase board called the Think Board. It sticks to any flat surface, so it will stick to your fridge regardless of what material it is made of. It will not leave a sticky residue when removed. It can be repositioned if you need to move it or do not apply it straight the first time.
The Think Board dry erase clingboard measures 14 x 14 inches. It comes with a special marker designed especially for it and can be wiped or sprayed clean. You can purchase it at The Grommet.
Attach With Craft Putty
Attach With Craft Putty
You can use craft putty or mounting putty to adhere things to your fridge. However, if the object is too heavy, the putty may not hold under the stress. This could work for a lightweight refrigerator door whiteboard. Putty can also be used to stick a single item on your fridge, such as a photograph or a child's art project.
Home-Tech recommends Scotch brand adhesive putty. They state that it won't leave circles on stainless steel once removed and is easy to remove. The best part is the putty is reusable.
Secure With Command Strips
Secure With Command Strips
Command makes some products designed especially for adhering things to refrigerators. Command's Clear Fridge Clips are damage-free for hanging artwork, pictures and other important items. The clear adhesive strips connect the clips to the fridge or other surface and can be used on tile, paint and wood. You can remove them without leaving any residue or marks.
You can also use Command Hooks to hang things, such as a calendar, dry erase board or magnet board. The small metal hooks stick to the fridge with Command Strips. If the dry erase board has rings or holes, slip them through the hooks. The hooks are strong so they can handle a fair amount of weight.
Hang on Lulalu Clips
Hang on Lulalu Clips
Home-Tech recommends Lulalu Clips since they are nonadhesive and use a proprietary material to cling. They stick to slick and smooth nonporous surfaces and are great for stainless steel. They can also be used on other surfaces such as wood, mirror, glass and tile. When removed, the clips do not leave any sort of residue behind and are nontoxic. They are ideal for hanging up paper and photographs and can hold up to 10 pages.
If magnets are not an option for you to mount a dry erase board or message board, you can use one of many other alternatives. Your fridge can still be the communication center and artwork hub it once was, even with stainless steel.