How To Remove Levolor Blinds With Hidden Brackets
To keep your blinds looking tidy, Levolor often chooses designs that hide the brackets you use to install them. This creates a nice effect when you look at the window, but it can be frustrating to try to find these brackets when you want to remove the blinds. Levolor understands this and makes spring-loaded mounting brackets that you can easily operate to remove and reinstall your blinds.
How Spring-Loaded Brackets Work
How Spring-Loaded Brackets Work
The basic mechanics of a spring-loaded bracket are quite simple. The rear of the headrail fits into clips on the back of the bracket. The spring then pulls the entire headrail forward, clicking it into place. When you push on the spring to remove the bracket, it condenses and makes the bracket smaller, releasing the back of the headrail so you can easily tilt the blind out of the window.
How to Remove Spring-Loaded Blinds
How to Remove Spring-Loaded Blinds
Many different Levolor blinds utilize spring-loaded brackets. This handy feature makes removing your blinds as simple as giving them a push and a twist. Before you start, remove the valance if you have one.
To remove the blinds, first open them all the way so they are condensed and easier to work with. Then, you simply place a hand at each end of the headrail, push the blinds back toward the window, and tilt the back of the blinds down. The blinds will come right out.
Reinstalling the blinds uses the opposite process. Place the back of the headrail in the window at a slightly downward angle. Then, rotate the blinds up and back into place. You will hear a click when the blinds seat correctly.
How to Remove Other Blinds
How to Remove Other Blinds
Many Levolor blinds use spring-loaded brackets, but not all do. Another way to hide blind-mounting hardware is to use end caps. These end caps are simply little square boxes with an opening on one side. The bracket is mounted so that the open end of the box faces out away from the window.
On these blinds, the headrails simply slide into the open boxes. A small cover either flips down over the blinds like a little door or slides into the mounting bracket from the side to cover the hole. To remove the blinds, you simply open the cover and pull the headrail out toward you. Reverse the procedure to reinstall the blinds.
On occasion, you may encounter blinds that have metal tabs that say "push" hanging down from your brackets. If so, you would push these tabs toward the window to remove the blinds rather than pushing on the front of the headrail. The motions used to pull the rail off the bracket are the same, however, requiring you to tilt the back of the blinds down while pushing the tabs.
Blind Removal Tips
Blind Removal Tips
When working with vertical blinds, it's best to remove the blind slats before uninstalling the blinds. This keeps the slats from suffering any damage while you're manipulating and working with the rest of the blinds. It's also a good idea to mark hardware before you remove it if you feel the need to do so.
Usually, you can remove your blinds and just leave the mounting bracket hardware in place. If you're painting and want to do a super thorough job, however, you can remove the mounting brackets as well as the blinds. Before you do, use a penknife or small utility knife to trace an outline into the wood around the brackets. This way, you can remount them in exactly the same spot without measuring. Your paint will cover a pen or pencil mark, but you should still be able to see a scored surface when your paint job is finished.