How To Fix Common Grout Problems
Grout can turn a good-looking tile job into a bad one. No matter how grout is applied, problems can crop up. Fortunately common grout problems are usually easy to fix. Anyone with solid do-it-yourself experience will be able to tackle this task.
Fix Minor Grout Cracks
Fix Minor Grout Cracks
Grout cracks are the most common problem. House settlement or improper installation can cause small grout cracks. Minor cracks can be fixed by running a 1/4-inch wide bead of latex caulk across the entire crack. With your finger, push the caulking into the crack. Wipe any extra off the tile with a wet sponge. Sprinkle dry grout onto the caulked area. Use a finger to rub this in. Drip water on the area and blend. With this method if the tile moves again the caulk will stretch to help hide the crack.
Fix Major Grout Cracks
Fix Major Grout Cracks
Grout cracks caused by improper tile installation or a loose subfloor are often fairly major. They are often found around loose or hollow tiles. Tapping a broomstick onto the tile tells if the tile has a hollow spot in the setting material. You must remove loose or hollow tiles and fix the installation or subfloor problem. Then replace the tile and re-grout.
Fix Low Grout
Fix Low Grout
Low grout spots are created when the installer wipes too much grout out of the grout joint during installation. To fix, wet the grout with clean water and re-grout, blending the new grout into the old. Wet grout bonds with new grout better than dry will.
Fix Powdery Grout
Fix Powdery Grout
This common soft grout problem is caused when the installer does not use enough water when mixing the grout. The only solution is to use a grout saw or knife and remove the problem grout. Re-grout these areas with properly mixed grout.
Fix Pinholes in Grout
Fix Pinholes in Grout
Pinholes in grout are caused by the installer's use of soupy grout. Too much water was used during mixing or the installer left too much water on the joints while wiping. As the grout dried, the water evaporated, leaving holes. The solution for filling in grout holes is to dampen the holes with water and push grout into the holes with a finger. Wipe off extra grout with a damp sponge.
Fix Discolored Grout
Fix Discolored Grout
New grout that is discolored with dark or dirty looking spots, a result of the installer adding too much water to the grout and then let it sit in the bucket to thicken up. The colorant separated and clumped together, creating uneven color. There are two solutions. The first is to remove bad grout and re-grout using a grout saw. The second is to use a grout stain to even the color. This usually means you have to paint all of the grout.
Fix Two Different Colors
Fix Two Different Colors
If a tile was repaired and the wrong color grout was used you can either remove the wrong color and replace with the new one, blend the new one into the old one, or stain the new grout the right color.
Clean Dirty Grout
Clean Dirty Grout
Dirty sanded grout that has not been stained can be cleaned with white vinegar and a stiff bristle brush.