How to Glue Broken Porcelain Back Together

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Accidents happen, and sometimes, they can't be fixed. But if you've broken something made of porcelain, such as a plate or a teapot, and it has sentimental value, you may want to try fixing it. If the break was bad and you have too many pieces or perhaps even porcelain dust or shards, then your item might be beyond repair, but if it was a clean break into larger pieces, then you may as well try fixing it, right? Here's how.


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How to Glue Broken Porcelain Back Together

Step 1: Collect the Broken Pieces

Collect all of the pieces and lay them on some newspaper on a flat surface, like a table. Before any glue enters the picture, make sure you know how the pieces will all fit together. Doing a practice run without glue will also help you see whether any pieces are missing.


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Step 2: Tape the Pieces Together

If you have lots of broken pieces or think you will forget which bits go together once you start gluing, use masking tape to hold the pieces together.

Step 3: Glue Piece by Piece

While regular superglue is often used to mend broken porcelain, it's not always the best glue for the job. You can buy special porcelain glue, which is more suitable for sticking broken porcelain and ceramics back together. It's a mixture of glue and epoxy (resin and hardener). It doesn't dry as quickly as superglue, so you can take your time and do a careful job.


Choose two pieces that need to be stuck together and remove any masking tape holding them together. Apply a thin line of glue along both broken edges and then hold them together. Follow any instructions on the packet about how long the pieces should be held together to create a bond. Repeat the process piece by piece, giving each piece time to somewhat dry before moving on. Porcelain glue can take up to 24 hours to dry completely, but there's no need to wait that long between sections. While you're waiting for the glue to set properly, replace the masking tape to keep all the pieces together.


Step 4: Cut Off Rough Edges

Let the repaired porcelain item sit for around 24 hours while the glue dries properly. Remove any remaining masking tape. Once everything has dried, you might find that some glue has seeped out from between the cracks, leaving an uneven bump. If so, carefully use a craft knife or safety razor to cut off these pieces. Your porcelain should now be ready to display again.

