How To Level A Samsung Refrigerator
Making sure your Samsung refrigerator is level helps conserve energy and also ensures proper operation. The refrigerator is equipped with wheels and leveling legs. The legs are designed to not only level the refrigerator on uneven floors but also act as a wheel lock.
Moving the refrigerator from its location for maintenance or any other reason requires retracting the legs. This means you'll have to relevel the fridge once it's back in place. This is a simple process involving a few basic tools.
Things Needed
Leveling a Refrigerator
1. Remove the Leg Cover
Some models have a leg cover that must be removed to access the leveling legs. If your fridge is a four-door or side-by-side model, open the fridge doors for this step. Locate the three screws holding the leg cover in place and remove them with a Phillips screwdriver. Lift up from the bottom of the cover and pull outward to remove the cover.
2. Raise the Fridge
Insert the blade of a flat-blade screwdriver into a notch on either leveling leg. Rotate the leg to the left to extend the leg and raise the unit. Repeat this process until the leg is fully raised. Do the same to the other leveling leg.
3. Check the Level From Side to Side
Place a carpenter's level on a main part of the refrigerator, such as across the top. Check the level from side to side. Do not use the door as a point to check the level. The doors can be adjusted separately.
4. Make the Fridge Level Adjustments
If you find your refrigerator is not level, lower the leveling leg on the higher side by rotating the leg to the right. Move in small increments and recheck the level as you go. Repeat until the refrigerator is level side to side.
5. Check the Level Front to Back
Place the level on the top or front of the fridge cabinet (not the doors) to check for level from front to back. Raise or lower both leveling legs equally to make the refrigerator level front to back. Be sure to adjust them the same amount so you don't throw off the side-to-side level. When you're finished, the legs should keep the front wheels off the floor, securing the refrigerator in place. If you want the doors to stay open, you can make the fridge tilt slightly toward the back rather than be perfectly level.
6. Reinstall the Leg Cover
If you had to remove the leg cover, fit the cover back in place and secure it with its screws.
Moving the Refrigerator
Moving the Refrigerator
The refrigerator may need to be moved from time to time. Sometimes, the refrigerator needs to be cleaned or even repaired. Before moving the fridge, raise the leveling legs by turning them all the way to the right. This will lower the unit so it rests on the wheel rather than the legs. The leveling feet can do serious damage to the floor if not retracted before attempting to move the refrigerator.
Fixing a Door Gap
Fixing a Door Gap
Samsung refrigerators are designed to be level and square, but gaps in the door can occur. If you notice moisture or even mold building up on the seal or on the door frame, that is usually a sign of a gap in the door.
On top of the refrigerator, there is a cover hiding an adjustment bolt. Remove the three screws with a Philips screwdriver. There will be cables that are attached to the cover; these should lift off with the cover.
With a 4mm L- shaped Allen wrench, carefully turn the bolt located at the top right of the cold storage compartment. Turn the bolt clockwise to widen the gap and counterclockwise to close the gap. Your Samsung refrigerator should now function efficiently for years to come.