How Do I Change The Oil On A Honda Pressure Washer?
Changing the Honda pressured washer oil is simple and easy, and an important maintenance requirement. These pressure washers use two types of Honda power washer oil, one for the engine and another for the water pump. Both should be routinely checked and changed. Be sure to refer to your particular unit's manual for oil quantities and maintenance instructions. Dispose of used oil properly by taking it to an oil-collection location.
How To Change The Engine Oil
How To Change The Engine Oil
Check the engine oil before every use, and change it after the first 20 hours of operation, and then after every six months or 100 hours of operation. To change the oil in your Honda engine, start it up and let it run long enough to warm the oil to ensure it will flow smoothly when drained. Turn the engine off, and place a shallow bucket or drain pan beneath the drain plug on the engine. Remove the drain plug and the oil filler cap to allow good oil flow, and allow the oil to drain into the pan. Replace the oil drain plug. Refill with SAE 10W-30 oil (the amount will vary by model, so check your owner's manual for capacity) and replace the oil-filler cap.
How To Change The Pump Oil
How To Change The Pump Oil
Change the oil in your pressure washer's water pump after the first 10 hours of use, and then after every 250 hours or three months thereafter. To change the pump oil, place the bucket or pan you used for the engine oil under the pressure washer pump oil drain plug. For the location of the plug, refer to your pressure washer owner's manual. Remove both the oil drain plug and the pump oil filler cap, and allow the oil to drain. Replace the drain plug. Refill the pump with DP70 pump oil if available. SAE 30W non-detergent oil will also work. Use only the quantity of oil specified in your pressure washer's owner's manual, as too much oil could cause leaks or damage to seals.
Maintenance/Environment For Honda Pressure Washer
Maintenance/Environment For Honda Pressure Washer
Changing the oil regularly in your Honda pressure washer will extend its service life and ensure good performance. You just need to know the pressure washer oil type. Schedule other maintenance chores at the same time, such as checking hoses for leaks, tire pressure, and lubricating quick connects at the same time you change the oil. To dispose of the used engine and pump oil, take it to a recycling center, oil collection center, or auto parts store that accepts used oil. Do not pour used oil into sewer systems or storm drains; it is highly toxic. Store used oil in an old bucket (keep it covered) until you have enough to take to a recycling facility.