Uses For Pine-Sol Cleaning Solution
A favorite household cleaner since the 1920s, Pine-Sol is a multipurpose cleaner made with pine oil. Pine-Sol isn't corrosive like bleach and also leaves behind a fresh, pine scent. When cleaning with this product, you should dilute 1/4 cup of Pine-Sol in one gallon of warm water. You can use diluted Pine-Sol to clean hardwood, linoleum, tile, counter tops and several other surfaces. Pine-Sol can be harmful to pets. Rinsing an area with water after cleaning with Pine-Sol might not be enough to keep pets safe.
The Kitchen
The Kitchen
Use diluted Pine-Sol to clean nearly any surface in the kitchen, including cabinets, counters, appliances and the floor. If the surface is particularly dirty, put full strength Pine-Sol on a sponge and wipe down the surface. Follow by rinsing with water.
The Bathroom
The Bathroom
Pine-Sol cleans most surfaces in the bathroom, including the tub or shower, sink, toilet, cabinetry, diaper pails, laundry bins and floors. To keep toilets fresh, pour 1/2 cup of Pine-Sol into the bowl, then brush and flush.
The Living Room
The Living Room
When diluted with water, Pine-Sol works well for cleaning bookshelves, hardwood floors and tables. Use some caution when cleaning wood furniture or floors; if the wood isn't well sealed, liquids like Pine-Sol could damage the wood.
The Garage
The Garage
Use Pine-Sol to disinfect tools without making them rust. The product also cleans and disinfects walls, floors, appliances, storage containers and shelves. For best results when disinfecting, allow non-diluted Pine-Sol to sit on the surface for 10 minutes before washing away.
The Laundry Room
The Laundry Room
Pine-Sol cleans the surfaces of washers and dryers, but it also effectively cleans heavily soiled clothes and other fabrics. Pour full strength Pine-Sol on greasy clothes, gently rub in, and then wash. Alternatively, add 1/2 cup of Pine-Sol to a load of whites or colorfast fabrics in order to disinfect them.
Cat Deterrent
Cat Deterrent
Cats generally dislike the smell of Pine-Sol, therefore, it makes a good deterrent for felines. Wash floors or walls with full-strength Pine-Sol to prevent cats from spraying or using the area as a litter box.
Pest Deterrent
Pest Deterrent
Mix Pine-Sol and water in equal parts and place in a bottle sprayer. Spray surfaces or the air wherever flies are a nuisance, such as around the barn or the picnic area. Spray only after pets and people are several feet away.
Paint Stripper
Paint Stripper
In a well-ventilated area, use Pine-Sol to strip acrylic or oil paint or enamel from small items. Fill a jar or plastic box with full strength Pine-Sol. Place the painted item in the jar or box until it's completely submersed. Cover with a lid, if desired. Allow to soak for 24 hours. Scrub the item with a hard-bristled toothbrush and the paint should come off easily.