How To Fix A Toilet Seat Hinge

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Toilet seats may become wobbly with constant use. The toilet that gets the most use in the household is the toilet with the seat that's likely to become loose. That means the hinge that attaches the seat to the toilet will need to be adjusted or replaced. But don't put this off, because if the seat separates from the toilet while someone's using it, it could cause an injury.

Have a broken toilet seat hinge? Here's how to fix it.

1. Remove the Toilet Seat and Cover

1. Remove the Toilet Seat and Cover

Remove the toilet seat and cover from the toilet bowl. Loosen the rear main screws of the seat hinge assembly by turning them in a counterclockwise direction. The nuts for the hinge bolts reside on the underside of the bowl. Lift the entire assembly from the toilet bowl.

2. Remove the Broken Hinge Assembly

2. Remove the Broken Hinge Assembly

Lay the toilet seat and cover on a firm, flat surface. Remove the broken hinge assembly from the seat or cover. Loosen the four screws, generally two screws per hinge, from the cover or seat. Lift the hinge assembly from the seat.

3. Find the Hinge Pin

3. Find the Hinge Pin

Identify the main hinge pin that attaches the four sets of hinges. The hinge pin is round and approximately 1/4 inch in diameter. Set the thin end of a nail punch to the center of the long hinge pin. Strike the end of the punch with a small hammer. The stem will move out of the hinge assembly.

4. Pull the Hinge Pin Up

4. Pull the Hinge Pin Up

Adjust the jaws of a pair of pliers around the end of the exposed hinge pin. Carefully pull the hinge pin from the sets of hinges. There may be no need to remove the hinge pin completely if only one hinge requires repair. Pull the pin until the broken or problem hinge is loose and accessible.

5. Adjust and Repair the Hinges

5. Adjust and Repair the Hinges

Apply some wax to the hinge pin for stiff-acting hinges. Run a single round of cellophane tape around the end of the hinge pin for loose fits. Place a single drop of instant glue on broken parts of the hinge. Hold the parts together and let the glue set up. Follow label directions for drying times and application rates of the instant glue.

You may also want to add a toilet seat hinge washer to the each bolt. These help to keep a toilet seat in place. Replace the hinge with an identical mate if repair is not possible. Insert the hinge pin. Install the seat and cover back on the toilet bowl. Lift and lower to make sure the hinge is working.
