How Often Should You Change Your Sewage Ejector Pump?
Keeping up with home maintenance can be overwhelming at times because many items need to be correctly serviced over the years. Although you may not want to add another item to your to-do list, if you recently installed a septic system or happened to move into a new home with one, you must be aware of how often you need to change your sewage ejector pump. Knowing how your ejector pump works and when a technician needs to inspect your pump will help protect your home and your loved ones.
You'll likely need to change your sewage ejector pump every seven to 10 years, but if you maintain it properly and have it inspected annually, it may last up to 20 years.
Purpose of an Ejector Pump
Purpose of an Ejector Pump
If you have a basement bathroom, the ejector pump transports wastewater that comes from there. When bathrooms are located on the same level or above a septic system, your bathroom relies on gravity to transfer wastewater into the tank. But if your bathroom is below the tank, it can't rely on gravity; it depends on an ejector pump.
On average, new ejector pumps last around seven to 10 years, but if you keep up routine maintenance and annual inspections, some ejector pumps can last over 20 years. It's imperative to take note that ejector pumps and sump pumps are not the same.
Sump pumps get rid of excess rainwater from rain and floods. They use a simple drain pipe to transfer rainwater back outside. The purpose of ejector pumps is to focus on the transfer of wastewater, and they are connected to the septic system.
Maintenance by a Professional Technician
Maintenance by a Professional Technician
The difference between your ejector pump lasting seven to 10 years versus 20 years comes down to how it was installed and how you treat your ejector pump. When you hire someone to install your ejector pump, you want to make sure they have ample experience installing them.
Your ejector pump is designed to lift wastewater to the level of your main sewer drain. If your ejector pump is installed correctly, it pumps water out of the drainage basin (ejector pit or sump basin) until the drainage basin is near empty and then turns off until the basin is filled with wastewater again. A homeowner often experiences problems if the drainage basin is too large or too small, the ejector pump isn't powerful enough, the drainage lines are clogged or the drain lines are too large or too small.
That's why it is important that you hire a knowledgeable technician and have someone come out yearly for professional maintenance. When they come to your home, they will be able to check how your pump is operating and clean out waste materials that have built up in your pump. If you notice strange sounds coming from your basement bathroom pipes or an unfamiliar odor coming from your basement, you need to call a technician immediately.
Homeowner Ejector Pump Maintenance
Homeowner Ejector Pump Maintenance
In addition to getting your ejector pump tested yearly, you must be careful with what you pour down your drain. If your ejector pump gets clogged, then the pump won't be able to push water up and into your sewer lines. If this happens, then wastewater will flow back into your home, and your basement or lower level will be filled with waste materials.
In your kitchen, be careful to prevent grease from going down your drain. Greasy cooking materials, such as meat fats and oils, can clog up wastewater lines and attract debris. In your bathroom, never flush such items as feminine hygiene products, paper towels or baby wipes down the toilet.