How To Get Rid Of Slime In The Bottom Of A Swimming Pool
A slimy pool cover or concrete floor can make swimming unpleasant, and the slime is often algae and bacterial growth that make the water unhealthy for swimming. Cleaning the slime off the bottom of the pool is an important part of pool maintenance, and regular cleaning is the best way to prevent the buildup from returning. Removing slime is a simple process, but one that requires attention to the whole pool.
Step 1: Clean Away Debris
Step 1: Clean Away Debris
Use a pool net to skim away leaves, dead bugs and debris from the surface of the pool. This will prevent them from falling and settling down in the slime at the bottom, where they can rot and create more algae and bacteria. Skim the pool at least once a day to keep it clean.
Step 2: Vacuum the Bottom of the Pool
Step 2: Vacuum the Bottom of the Pool
Use a pool vacuum to clean the bottom of the pool. Place the suctioning end of the vacuum on the floor of the pool and attach the hose to the filter, following directions on the machine. Sweep the bottom of the pool to remove the slime. Clean the entire bottom and suck up as much of the slime as possible. Allow the water to settle, as slime will be stirred up during the cleaning process.
Step 3: Repeat the Vacuum Process as Needed
Step 3: Repeat the Vacuum Process as Needed
Vacuum the pool again an hour or two later to remove more of the slime once it has settled. Repeat this process until all of the slime has been removed from the bottom. Clean the sides of the pool as well, if necessary.
Step 4: Shock the Pool
Step 4: Shock the Pool
Add a chlorine shock treatment to the pool in the evening. Shock helps keep the water sanitary and prevents algae and bacteria from surviving in the water. Ultraviolet (UV) light during the day destroys chlorine, so adding the shock in darker hours will make the treatment more effective.
Step 5: Add Chorine Regularly
Step 5: Add Chorine Regularly
Chlorinate the pool regularly. A properly chlorinated pool is less likely to have slime form on the bottom, as chlorine purifies the water.
Step 6: Keep the Water Moving
Step 6: Keep the Water Moving
Run the swimming filter on the highest setting for several days to circulate the water and remove any remaining debris or algae. Moving water is less likely to support the growth of slime, and a good filter will remove algae if it begins to form in the water.
Replace the filter each spring to keep the pool water clean.