Intex Pool Pump Problems
Many pool owners choose Intex pool pumps to filter their above ground pools and remove suspended particles from the water. These pumps come in a variety of sizes so they can accommodate even larger pools and typically last several seasons, saving you from worrying about replacing your pump more regularly. However, Intex pool pumps occasionally experience problems that prevent them from operating effectively. While many of these issues are minor, address them as quickly as possible so your pool remains clean and safe.
Pump Hoses
Pump Hoses
When setting up your Intex pool pump, you may encounter difficulty connecting its hoses with the black hose connectors that protrude from the pump. The hoses are made from polyvinyl chloride, which is a plastic that can become stiffer or more pliant based on the temperature, leading to issues connecting the hoses to the connectors. To make the connection go more smoothly, mix several drops of dish washing detergent with a half cup of water and use the solution to lubricate both the hose connectors and the hoses. This allows the two pieces to connect more easily. However, avoid using traditional lubricants like machine oil because they may damage the PVC.
Decreased Water Flow
Decreased Water Flow
On some occasions, you may notice that the water flow from your Intex pump is not as strong as it normally is. Typically, decreased pump water flow indicates an issue with the filter cartridge. A dirty or clogged filter won't allow water to pass through it as easily. Examine the cartridge and replace if necessary. In addition, leaks in the pump's hoses may also cause a decrease in the pump's water flow. Check to see if there are any pin-sized holes in the hose that might cause it to lose water. Tighten any hose clamps that have come loose as well.
Sand Filter Pump
Sand Filter Pump
When using an Intex sand filter pump, you may sometimes notice that the water becomes cloudy. In most cases, cloudy water is the result of particles and debris that are too small for the sand filter to remove, such as dead algae, remaining in the water. Adding a cellulose fiber to the filter pump can help capture finer particles and prevent them from lingering in the water. In addition, backwash the sand filter pump system weekly to keep the sand clean and the system in prime condition.
Water Leaks
Water Leaks
An Intex sand filer pump's pre-filter cover may sometimes experience a leak. In most cases, this is due to the O-ring inside the filter pump being jammed in place too tightly. Applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly over the O-ring helps it move more easily and prevents water from backing up inside. Securely fasten the pre-filter cover back in place after replacing the o-ring to avoid additional leaks.
- Intex: The Water Flow is Not as Strong as it Used to Be, Why?
- Intex: The Sand Filter Fails to Clean the Water Properly, and the Water is Still Cloudy?
- Intex: What Should I Do if I'm Experiencing Some Difficulty Connecting the Hoses Onto the Black Protruding Hose Connectors?
- Intex: What Should I Do When Water is Leaking From the Pre-filter Cover?