Programming And Troubleshooting Genie Garage Door Openers

In 1954, the Alliance Manufacturing Company made the first mass-produced, radio-controlled residential garage door opener unit. The company, now known as the Genie Company, kept adding to its line of openers over the years. Today, Genie garage door openers are a bit different from traditional garage door openers. They feature a 140-volt DC motor, Intellicode remote access security system. This system is meant to prevent hacking by using a code from billions of possible combinations, which nearly eliminates the chance of hackers breaking your code and entering your garage.

What Is Intellicode?

What Is Intellicode?

Intellicode Access Security System is a rolling code technology that enhances the security of the garage door opener. The company claims this technology offers significant advantages over garage door openers that rely on fixed codes. Other traditional openers transmit the same fixed security code each time you press the remote button. With a limited number of fixed codes, these can be breached by hackers or a neighbor with the same fixed code.

Programming a Genie Remote

Programming a Genie Remote

To program the remote to your Genie garage door opener, you need to have it close to the garage door opener so it's within frequency range. Also, make sure there are no people, pets, vehicles or other obstructions in the path of the garage door. Then, locate the Learn Code button, which is usually near the antenna, and the LED indicator. Press and release the Learn Code, and the LED indicator will blink twice each second.

Then, press and release the button on the remote you're programming and, depending on your model, the LED indicator will flash or glow steadily. Press the indicator again and the LED indicator light will go out. Your remote should be programmed. Press the remote button again, and the door should open. If it doesn't, repeat the previous steps. For multiple doors and remotes, repeat the steps above. Up to seven remotes can be programmed into one Genie garage door opener.

To program your keypad, you'll need to consult your owner's manual because each model is different.

Safe-T Beam

Safe-T Beam

Genie openers also use a technology called Safe-T Beam to sense if an object is nearby while the door is closing. It works by using a continuous infrared beam that projects across the interior of the garage door opening to a receiver. The beam must be at least 5 – but no more than 6 – inches off the floor. It also needs to be aligned so the sensors see each other. While the door is closing, if the beam senses interruption from a person, animal or object, it automatically raises the garage door to protect what is in its path. Safe-T Beam must be installed and working properly in order to close the garage door.

Troubleshooting Your Genie Opener

Troubleshooting Your Genie Opener

You want to keep your Genie garage door opener in good working condition. Don't try to operate a door that is jammed or has a broken spring. Also, when you are installing the opener, make sure door is balanced properly or it could cause injury. When you are positioning the wall control, make sure it's within sight of the garage door, at a minimum height of 5 feet, to keep it away from children and from moving parts of the garage door.

Monthly maintenance will keep other problems at bay. Check your door springs and hardware. When needed, oil the door rollers, bearings and hinges with light oil or silicone lubricant for the doors.

Make sure your door is balanced properly. Close your door, then pull the emergency release cord, and manually release the door 3 feet. The door should remain in place where you lifted it. If the door moves either up or down, even a few inches, it's not balanced properly. You should call your dealer.

Follow the directions on your owner's manual to reattach the carriage to the rail assembly. Then, use a 2-x-4 board to test whether the contact-reverse feature works. Close the door. When the door reaches the board, it should immediately begin to reverse direction and go back up.
