How To Program The ADT Honeywell Key Fob
When it comes to commanding your security system, a key fob puts the power of home protection right in your pocket. If you have an ADT Honeywell key fob, you can arm and disarm your home security system, send out a distress signal, and input unique actions to customize your always-on-hand security device. Before you can use this portable protector, you'll need to make sure it's properly programmed.
Honeywell vs. ADT Key Fobs
Honeywell vs. ADT Key Fobs
You may be confused about whether you have a Honeywell or ADT key fob, and that's because they're virtually the same. The ADT key fob that came with your home security system is the rebranded version of the Honeywell 5834–4 key fob model. This means your ADT key fob will have the same commands and instructions as the Honeywell key fob.
If you've kept your old Honeywell key fob, don't toss it. This model will still function just fine when programmed to a new system on the same frequency, barring any user-caused damage.
Programming Your Key Fob
Programming Your Key Fob
Your key fob only has four buttons, but there are eight commands you can program. Since each button represents a quadrant on the fob, you can program unique commands by pressing a single button or by pressing two buttons at the same time.
For example, pressing both buttons on the upper right and upper left simultaneously might send out a silent burglary alarm. Pressing the upper left and lower left buttons simultaneously might set off your fire alarm. You'll get to devise how your key fob works so that only you know how to access and set off your alarms. A list of actions you could choose to program into your fob includes:
- Disarm.
- Arm away.
- Arm stay.
- No response.
- 24-hour silent.
- 24-hour audible.
- 24-hour auxiliary.
- Silent burglary.
- Fire no verification.
Inputting Your Fob Actions
Inputting Your Fob Actions
Of course, you need your system's security panel to recognize which button combinations represent which alarm modes, so it's necessary to input your fob actions into the security panel key fob menu.
In your security panel's menu, record your fob configurations following the menu walk-through questions, which are fairly self-explanatory. You'll be directed to input how many commands you'd like to program into your key fob, which user is assigned to the fob, and to which security zone your fob actions apply.
At this point, you'll input the desired action for each single button and for each button combination. Remember to press "save" so your configurations are properly programmed.
Other Programming Requirements
Other Programming Requirements
A few features included in your Honeywell or ADT key fob are designed to keep you from accidentally setting off an alarm while the fob is in your pocket. First, the buttons are recessed, so you'll really need to press down with purpose for the fob to carry out the action. Second, the button must be depressed for half a second.
The fob will function anywhere within a 50-foot radius of the security system. The ADT and Honeywell key fobs operate on 345 MHz frequency and can be programmed to work with any security system also on this frequency. Even if you've moved on from ADT or the Honeywell system, you can keep your fob and configure it to work with a new security system at the same frequency.
A security system key fob rounds out your home and personal protection system by keeping your alarms, both silent and audible, right at your fingertips. After properly programming your key fob, you'll truly be in command of your personal safety and home security.