How To Clean Samsung Refrigerator Coils
If you have a Samsung refrigerator, coil cleaning is a must, just as it is for any brand of refrigerator. If the coils are dirty, that's a reason why the refrigerator and freezer might not be cooling as well as they should, according to Samsung. Dust on the coils interferes with heat exchange and hampers the efficiency of the compressor.
Cleaning the coils isn't a time consuming or difficult job, and it's one you should do often. However, if you're like most homeowners, you probably let years elapse between cleanings. That's probably hiking up your energy bill, and the extra expenditure is totally unnecessary. All you need to do the job is a vacuum with a crevice tool and a coil-cleaning brush.
Locating a Samsung Refrigerator Coil
Locating a Samsung Refrigerator Coil
The coils that need cleaning are the condenser coils, not the evaporative coils. Samsung evaporative coils, just like a Whirlpool or LG refrigerator evaporator coil, are always located behind the freezer compartment. The evaporative coils are always cool and enclosed in the freezer compartment where they are protected from dust. The condenser coils, on the other hand, are exposed so they can radiate heat into the air, and they are magnets for dust and pet hair.
The condenser coils may be mounted on the back of the refrigerator, which means that you have to pull the appliance away from the wall to access them. Always pull the plug before you do this. The coils may also be recessed inside the cabinet on the back of the refrigerator at the bottom, and they may be horizontal.
On some models, you access the coils from the front of the refrigerator. If you have one of these, you'll see a grid located just under the door. Finally, if you have a built-in model, you may have to access the coils from the top after lifting off the grid. Samsung refrigerator shelf placement has nothing to do with coil access, so you won't have to remove any shelves from inside the unit to clean the coils.
How to Clean the Coils
How to Clean the Coils
The job of Samsung refrigerator coil cleaning is not one that involves a lot of mystery. Your goal is to get all the dust off the coils, and Samsung recommends doing this with a vacuum cleaner and a crevice tool. However, the dust is easier to vacuum if you dislodge it first with a condenser coil cleaning brush.
Run the brush along each of the coils, and if the coils are stacked inside the unit, be sure to get the brush between the stacks. Vacuum up the loose dust, being sure to get any that falls to the floor, as that dust has a habit of recirculating and ending up back on the coils. Use a damp rag, if necessary, to get the coils as clean as possible.
Add These Cleaning Items
Add These Cleaning Items
AVIV Service Today recommends cleaning the condenser coils on your refrigerator every six months, and if you have pets, every three months. While you're at it, you should also clean the fan blades on the condenser motor. These aren't always easy to reach with a vacuum, which is why it's a good idea to purchase a coil cleaning brush.
The cleaning routine should include changing the water filter if your refrigerator has a water dispenser or an ice maker. This should happen every six months, especially if you use a lot of water or ice. While you're inside the refrigerator, clean the air duct vents with a 50-50 vinegar and water solution. The door gaskets should also be cleaned every six months with vinegar and water to keep them free of mold.