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How To Clean A Pebble Shower Floor

It is not difficult to clean a pebble-stone shower floor, but remembering to maintain a regular cleaning schedule is key. Otherwise, the floor will become a breeding ground for the icky bacteria that causes mold and mildew. So you should do what you can to prevent this bacteria buildup before it becomes a bigger issue. Keep reading for the best pebble shower floor cleaning techniques and tips to keep your shower in pristine condition for years to come.

How to Clean Pebble Stone

How to Clean Pebble Stone

Learning how to clean your shower is half the battle. For everyday pebble shower floor cleaning, you can use a simple solution that targets hard water stains. Hard water stains are evidenced by small white spots that you might start to see on your shower floor, especially if you don't clean it regularly. You will need to get rid of these as soon as possible to prevent hard water deposits from forming.

Fill a spray bottle with distilled white vinegar and use this to spray down your shower floor; let it sit for about half an hour and follow up by scrubbing the floor with a nylon-bristle cleaning brush. Turn on the shower and rinse the floor thoroughly with warm water; wipe it dry with a clean towel or soft cloth.

How to Maintain a Pebble Floor

How to Maintain a Pebble Floor

Regular maintenance is crucial if you have a pebble-stone shower floor. After all, it is much easier to spend a few minutes scrubbing your shower every week than it is to spend hours trying to remove caked-on stains and mildew growth. Learn how to maintain your shower so you won't have to do as many deep-cleaning sessions in the long run:

  • Keep moisture levels low.​ In the fight against mold and mildew, keeping the moisture levels low in your bathroom is the most important thing you can do. After you shower, leave any windows or doors open if you have them to allow for ample airflow. Having a good mildew remover spray on hand is also essential.
  • Squeegee the walls.​ Taking the time to squeegee water off the walls is another important step to take to prevent mold and mildew growth. This is also a good time to shake off the curtain in order to remove any excess water.
  • Scrub weekly.​ At least once a week, scrub your shower floor using a brush with moderately stiff bristles. This will keep body oil and soap and shampoo residue from building up.
