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How To Donate Used Lawn Mowers

When you are ready to buy a new lawn mower, the last thing you want is for your old one to keep taking up precious space in your shed or garage. Rather than disposing of your mower in a landfill, you could opt to donate it. There are several types of nonprofits, charities, and donation centers that take used lawn mowers. Go the eco-friendly route and donate your mower. Here's how and where to do so.

Where to Donate Used Lawn Mowers

Where to Donate Used Lawn Mowers

As long as your lawn mower still works, why not gift it to someone who could use it? Recycling your lawn equipment is an act of compassion for the planet and an act of compassion for someone who may not be able to afford a brand-new mower. Here are just a few ideas for where and how to donate used lawn mowers:

  • Contact Goodwill.​ Goodwill often accepts used lawn equipment, but it's a good idea to call your local Goodwill first to ensure that it does. (Don't just drop it off.)
  • Call your local chapter of Habitat for Humanity.​ Habitat for Humanity builds and repairs homes for low-income families and individuals, and it's always accepting donations of money and materials, including lawn equipment.
  • Seek out a "buy nothing" Facebook group. "​Buy nothing" groups provide a way for Facebook users to give and/or receive items for free. These groups are localized to your town or city. Do a search for one on Facebook and post about your mower.
  • Reach out on social media.​ If your town doesn't have a "buy nothing" group, you can always do a general call-out on all your social media channels. Create a post you can use on multiple channels asking if users know anyone who needs a free lawn mower.
  • Check out Earth 911.​ Earth 911 is a massive recycling database. If you're struggling with where to donate your used mower, this is an excellent resource.

What to Do Before You Donate

What to Do Before You Donate

So, you've found a place or person who needs a used mower. Now it's time to prepare your mower for donation. Make sure to remove all the gas and oil. You can pay a mechanic to do this if you're not comfortable doing it yourself. Clean off any grass and grime using a hose and/or brush, soap, and water.

Finally, make sure to choose the best type of lawn mower for you when you're ready to purchase a new one. This way, you won't have to worry about getting rid of your mower for a long time to come.
