How To Remove Super Glue From Laminate Countertops

Crazy glue got its name because it works so quickly and forms a crazy-tight bond. One could argue, however, that the name also describes the mental state you may find yourself in when trying to remove this incredibly sticky glue from places it shouldn't be. When working with any type of super glue, it's wise to place a towel or old newspaper over your work surface to catch any drips. If it's too late for that, you'll need to carefully remove the super glue on the laminate countertop, taking care not to damage the surface.

Removing Crazy Glue from Counter

Removing Crazy Glue from Counter

Laminate countertops are fairly forgiving, but they're by no means bulletproof. Cleaning solvents can damage them, so its best to start with mild cleansers and work your way up from there. To do so, soak a paper towel in a 50/50 mixture of hot water and dish soap. Lay the towel over the glue and allow it to sit for 15 to 20 minutes.

When the time is up, remove the towel and try sliding a plastic scraper under the edges of the glue. You can also use a metal edge like an non-serrated butter knife or putty knife, but these can scratch or gouge the counter if not kept perfectly flush against the surface.

You may only remove some of the glue on your first attempt. If so, repeat the process as necessary until the glue is gone.

Step Up Your Game

Step Up Your Game

Soapy water is the gentlest option, but it may not be tough enough to remove the super glue on laminate countertops. If soapy water fails, soak a paper towel in acetone-based nail polish remover and lay it on the glue just as you did with the water. With acetone, however, you'll need to be more attentive.

If left too long, acetone can permanently stain laminate. To avoid this, check the edges of the glue frequently to see if it is softening. As soon as it does, remove the acetone and scrape the glue with a flat blade. Once again, you may need to repeat the process several times and remove the glue in layers or pieces.

A Word of Caution

A Word of Caution

Before you start cleaning with acetone, it's a good idea to test it in a discrete area. If it stains, visit your local hardware store for a super glue solvent that won't ruin your laminate. You may need to make several stops, as most super glue removal agents do contain acetone.

Using the right blade to scrape the glue is also crucial to the health of your countertop. Utility knives and box cutters both make poor choices that increase the odds you'll scratch your counter. Instead, use a putty knife or paint scraper that allows you to see the entire blade edge. This makes it much easier to keep the blade on the surface of the counter so you don't dig into it.

Other Countertop Surfaces

Other Countertop Surfaces

Laminate countertops aren't the only ones that can suffer a crazy glue mishap. If you need to remove super glue from granite or marble, you can simply pour a small puddle of acetone directly on the countertop. Cover the area with some wax paper so the acetone doesn't evaporate, then let the glue soften for an hour before scraping it off. When you're finished, wash away any remaining acetone with warm water.

Super glue will come free of ceramic and porcelain tiles after a soak in soapy water. Stainless steel is even easier to clean. Simply dampen a cotton ball with lighter fluid or denatured alcohol to dissolve the glue.

Butcher block countertops take a bit more care as the glue easily bonds to the porous surface. To remove it, scrape the glue away with the razor blade. Some of the wood will likely come off with the glue, so don't panic if this happens, When the glue is gone, clean, sand and refinish the affected area.
